Can anyone advice me on my hair!
Just had my hair bleached from a natural base 8 to a 10,and then an ash toner over the top.
I used to always have my hair bleached and then a luo PO and it always looked bright and white and then I would us purple shampoo when got brassy.
Anyway this time I wanted my hair super light but not as white/tacky so she used an ash toner(not sure what) and I feel like its gone dark or too ashy!
I dont no if its cause im used to white hair,it just feels dark and too ash.I want it cool toned/slightly ashy but at moment it just isnt bright/white enough.
She assured me its deffo a base 10 and is the lightest blond but just that its a cleaner and less tacky tone. Will the toner and some of the ash fade out? It was super white before the toner & but like I said I didnt want it super white but wanted white but slighltly ash but its just too ashy and it makes it look dull!
advice plz x
Just had my hair bleached from a natural base 8 to a 10,and then an ash toner over the top.
I used to always have my hair bleached and then a luo PO and it always looked bright and white and then I would us purple shampoo when got brassy.
Anyway this time I wanted my hair super light but not as white/tacky so she used an ash toner(not sure what) and I feel like its gone dark or too ashy!
I dont no if its cause im used to white hair,it just feels dark and too ash.I want it cool toned/slightly ashy but at moment it just isnt bright/white enough.
She assured me its deffo a base 10 and is the lightest blond but just that its a cleaner and less tacky tone. Will the toner and some of the ash fade out? It was super white before the toner & but like I said I didnt want it super white but wanted white but slighltly ash but its just too ashy and it makes it look dull!
advice plz x