Help. Can I ask salon for an extension refund?


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Sep 8, 2012
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So I've googled and googled and hoped someone on here could help.

I don't know what to do.

I made a hair appointment for weaves. Went in for a consultation on the 24th of aug. she made a hair match of shade 1b. I paid a £40 deposit and was to return the following week for my weave. Friday the 31st aug at 10am.
The stylest sent me a Facebook message on thursday night at around 9pm saying she couldn't make my appointment. Could I change it to 2pm. I explained I had my kids to pick up at 3 and couldnt that late. I then got back in touch about 20 mins later asking the earliest she could take me after 2. She replied immediately saying 2.45. So I replied saying fine I will take it, I'll get a sitter, straight away she said she couldn't do it any longer as someone had snapped my appointment up.

Sooo finally. We rearrange for Thursday the 6th of September at 10 am.
I make my way into town to the salon. And receive a fb message half an hour before my appointment saying she has to change it to 11. So I wait around town till 11am. Only to arrive at the salon and be asked to come back at 11.30am. (an hour and a half after my appointment).
Get there. She starts my weave. Another girl came in while I was in the chair. She left me sitting while she removed the girls weave and then came back to me.
After fitting my weave she put all my hair down, only to realise the hair is - totally different shade to my hair and doesn't blend in at all. She suggests adding another half weft on top, in a darker shade. Which she does, I now owe her a further £30. (£120 instead of £90) Top weft was 1b. What I had ordered, don't know the other one.
Fine anything to get out this salon. The other girl who was in, a nail tech I believe, said she had to dye her weave to match her hair too. Wtf!

Anyway. This is Saturday the 8th. And this afternoon at abot 12noon. My partner notices thread in my hair, I feel for it. Only to realise that my bottom weft is hanging on by about an inch!! I immediately messaged her only to get 'how did that happen'.
I was at work. Messaged her back at 10 to 4 explaining that I don't know, when can she fix it? Told her when I am free etc. still no reply. Despite updates On the account.

It is a new salon. Just opened. The girl who done my hair is the owner.
What can I do??! Can I ask for a refund? Is there any action I can take if she won't refund?
Hard I know but just give it up as a learning curve, go to a salon with a good reputation, explain what's happened and pay again, I don't think you will get very far with other girl x
Aw I am sorry to hear that and I really feel for you !

I would try to get a refund by explaining to her as a new salon reputation is everything and that for every bad experience a customer will tell 10 people about it - not good for them !!

I would give it a go but by the sounds of it it probably won't get anywhere and you will need to just take it on the chin and move on from it

I know that's not what you want to hear but I am not sure what else you can do

Yeah it looks like I will need to! I only got it done for my weeding :(
I thankfully have 2 days off work so I can hopefully find someone to sort it.
The weft is now on my floor. All the thread is still intact so it looks like the pleat wasn't secure.
It just stings that I paid £120 for 2 days hair this close to my wedding now I look like a twat and will probably need to pay that amount again!
I would go back to the salon and ask for a refund as your not happy and they have ignored you.

Or ring up and say your I will be coming in and want a refund and explain why.

Its worth a go, no harm In that and she needs to know she has messed up your hair and your not a happy customer.
She got in touch with me today saying she can repair it for me on Tuesday and that some people's hair doesn't take to weaves:|

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