How did you survive on apprenticeship wages?


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Down the Rabbit hole.
Dec 7, 2014
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How did you survive on apprenticeship wages? How did you keep things cost effective?
I had two jobs when I was an apprentice :). I also didn't go out much haha! I've always been a saver not a spender so I've only bought necessary things. I always thought when I'm successful, that's when I can buy holidays and nice things :). Hope that helps.
I'm really glad I'm a vegan. At least foods cheap xD but bills scare me
Haha yes it is difficult but you will reap the rewards when your fully qualified! :)
I used all my wages on my car and bills :) and anything left over was for savings in case of an emergency :)
Living off apprentice wages has made me really good with money now! It sounds ridiculous but back in the day when I started off on £45 a week (honestly, there was no NMW back then!) but I still went out, had driving lessons and had to give my dad £5 housekeeping! My tips got me through and I also took on an evening job as a waitress in Pizza Hut! It was probably easier then as we had no mobiles so selfies weren't a thing and it didn't matter if you wore the same outfit more than once! Even to this day, I put my tips aside and use them for treats like mani and pedi, dog grooming bills etc.
I'm always amazed how much people spend in costa coffee on a daily basis, that can easily add up to a couple of hundred a month if you grab a coffee and a snack each day. Bringing your own lunch to work can keep costs down a lot.
We don't get tips here. I get $15 an hour at a salon as a casual salon assistant (I'm paying for my own apprenticeship) and am doing 2 courses (hair and photography). Whats NMW?
I used to earn £50 a week back in 00s for working £45 hour week. I had a second job.... my parents used to take a tenner off me rent. I managed a night out, £10 phone credit (used to be 15p a text at 160 characters per message) and you could never afford to make a phone call! A pouch of tobacco (I used to smoke and couldn't afford tailor made cigarettes) then saved the rest for clothes...
I used to earn £50 a week back in 00s for working £45 hour week. I had a second job.... my parents used to take a tenner off me rent. I managed a night out, £10 phone credit (used to be 15p a text at 160 characters per message) and you could never afford to make a phone call! A pouch of tobacco (I used to smoke and couldn't afford tailor made cigarettes) then saved the rest for clothes...
omg that all sounds so cheap. My rent is $85 a week (I live at mums) my phone is $60 a month, internet is $79 a month, bills are averaged $200-300 and food is between $20-$40 a week (I'm vegan so I eat loads of lentils etc)
oh and school is $170 a fortnight
We don't get tips here. I get $15 an hour at a salon as a casual salon assistant (I'm paying for my own apprenticeship) and am doing 2 courses (hair and photography). Whats NMW?
NMW is national minimum wage which we now have in the uk. There is an apprentice rate, and rates for different ages with the 25+ rate being highest at £7.50. The government puts it up every year and they are working to get it up to £10 per hour by 2020 I think. Employers have to pay at least the minimum wage by law and can get fined or even prosecuted if found not to be. It's a good thing but also makes it harder for older people to get into the industry as employers can't often afford to pay that rate for someone with no experience so they would choose a younger person as it costs them less.
NMW is national minimum wage which we now have in the uk. There is an apprentice rate, and rates for different ages with the 25+ rate being highest at £7.50. The government puts it up every year and they are working to get it up to £10 per hour by 2020 I think. Employers have to pay at least the minimum wage by law and can get fined or even prosecuted if found not to be. It's a good thing but also makes it harder for older people to get into the industry as employers can't often afford to pay that rate for someone with no experience so they would choose a younger person as it costs them less.
£7.50 is $12.67 and £10 is $16.89 here. Because I am older I'm supposed to get $20.08 (£11.89) full time or $25 (£14.80) due to having VCE and being over 21 years old. However it works out to be $100 less then a fully qualified. So most people are deterred by older trainees here as well. It's a double edged sword really.

An underage first year has gone up to $10.65 (£6.31). Second year is $12.78(£7.57). Third year is $16.40 (£9.71). That is if you left school without year 12 and under the age of 21. I think it's a hard situation because obviously having maturity is better (not to say teens cant be mature and adults can't be immature) but (due to my age) I am literally having to jump through hoops and pay for school when I have days where I get sent home without pay if we have cancellations. I've heard of worse situations by others.
Any courses as an adult here in the uk are really expensive too, I was lucky I was 15 when I did mine. Trainees if any age struggle here to get jobs as it's not worth salons to train them but mature students definitely struggle with most rents in my area £700 a month plus bills
Any courses as an adult here in the uk are really expensive too, I was lucky I was 15 when I did mine. Trainees if any age struggle here to get jobs as it's not worth salons to train them but mature students definitely struggle with most rents in my area £700 a month plus bills
At least we're doing what we love... even is we have to have mi goreng noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner

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