Well-Known Member
My heart really goes out to you hun. At the end of the day you would think that they would do everything possible to help you out and give your daughter the best education no matter what.The options they have given us are:
she returns to school and just takes it all
I drive her to school,she stays in isolation all day then i drive her home {30 mins away}
I sign her out of school and she leaves with nothing {GCSE's}
Get medical proof that she is ill and maybe the board may send her work home and she goes back for her last exam next year
So i think we are going to go far the medical proof as the dr knows that she has a bad time with school and the medication she is on.Then the board have to decided if its worth it or not to let her have work at home.
When she is at school she dosnt get the help she needs as they are too busy trying so sort the class out anyway.
So god knows wots going to happen she is at the dr's tomorow to let him know the board are going to be contacting him for evidence.
Good luck to everyone else with schooling matters as mine have been a nightmare with my daughter,i hope i dont have the same with son
If you can get a Dr behind you and maybe see if there is anyone from social services to help you out too, there are some good social workers out there and all you need is to find one person who will help you fight against the school and governers and you will be surprised how fast things happen.
I see the good side to homw schooling when i read stuff like this!
I feel much more positive today even though i'm going to have the twins off school next week ill!!!!