Hi there , I just thought this may be of some help ,
Statutory school leaving date is the date when your child is allowed, by law, to leave secondary school. This is the last Friday in June, of the school year in which s/he reaches the age of 16.
Compulsory school age is the time that a child must receive full time education at school or otherwise,starting with Statutory School Age and ending on the Statutory School Leaving Date.
This is the law for England but if you notice the wording in the above it says ;
(at school or otherwise )
This is where the
parents have a legal right to choose where the child's education will take place ,
If a child has never been registered at a school
or a child has been de registered from any school
and they receive their education at home usually by a parent or parents,
then all that is required by law is that the child
receives an education suitable for their age ability and aptitude and any special needs they may have be catered for.
you do not have be a teacher
Anyway I am sure if a teen wanted to go to college they wouldn't have much trouble getting in ,
but if she didn't want to go to college,
It would be better to de register the child ASAP if she is still on the school register,
by doing this she would not be the responsibility of your LEA (local education authority ) anymore .
In fact Your child would be receiving their education otherwise than at school ,
which in most cases is at home .
You would have to provide all books and things but the local library is great for this.
You do not have to be a teacher and you do not have follow the national curriculum ,
Children taught at home usually study for around 4 flexible hours a day at the most ,
If your child is a teenager and is studying for his or her exams
then all they have to do is to study towards these exams
eg GCSEs or A levels and can sit them when they feel they are ready
to sit them .
They are still entitled to the usual child allowance if they started home education before or around the age of fourteen,
this carries on as usual like any other school age child who is receiving full time further education.
I would also advise joining education otherwise as they will guide you through all of this .
Plus they also have organized fun and social meetings for parents and children . :hug:
Here is the link again ;
Education Otherwise
- History, Aims, Local Groups, How to Join, etc