How to Sculpt!!


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Active Member
Oct 6, 2004
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Hi there

Another nieve question but I would like to know the difference between L&P (arcylic) and sculptured nails. Also Fibreglass nails which ones are also the most popular and why are gels so expensive....sorry questions, questions....

Just jolly confused at this stage...

Hope someone can help

Cheers again Emma
Hi Emma,
Right sculptured nails can be done with all systems, You just use a nail form to make a free-edge. So there is no need for an tips to glue on and blend.
I would say that L&P and gel nails (sorry fabric girls) are the most popular at the moment. I can't see why you feel that gel nails are so expensive they normally are around the same price as L&p.
Thanks for your last reply, just desperatly picking up info. so I know what I need to concentrate on when I study. I just read on someones site that gel is safer than acrylic is this so or is (bio gel) the safter one. I worry about the hazads of filing enhancements...

Thanks once again...

All systems involve using chemicals, But in the right hands I can't see any probs with safety with any system as long as its produced by a reputable company. If you mean't is gel safer on the nails then again the answer is no, The systems used don't cause damage its the tech using them who does that.
:D hi gals, i do only fiberglass but am going to train i uv gel shortly, i totally understand why l&p and gel nails are more popular, they look so much better and dont take as long, cant wait till my conversion course. im very interested in sculptured nails but it looks and sounds really tricky, is it easy to get the hang of cos i would love to train in that eventually to.
Hi! I know some techs charge more for things they don't like doing - make it more expensive so people will go for the cheaper option of what they do like doing.

One system is no easier than another, it's just what you get used to.

Everything in nails is tricky when you first start and only gets easier with constant practice and regular training courses. It's a bit like the Generation Game, the experts make it look so easy and when Bruce would say "that's all there is to it" you'd think there was no great skill involved, until you saw the contestants try it! Well it's like that with any skill, until you try it, and no more so than with nails.

No system is safer than another, it's all down to the skill of the technician and the sound aftercare by the client. There is a lot of misinformation being bandied about regarding nail enhancements, stick to this site, have a good old search through old threads and you'll be amazed what you will learn, I know I have become far more educated thanks to the other geeks on here.
lell said:
Hi Emma,
Right sculptured nails can be done with all systems, You just use a nail form to make a free-edge. So there is no need for an tips to glue on and blend.
I would say that L&P and gel nails (sorry fabric girls) are the most popular at the moment. I can't see why you feel that gel nails are so expensive they normally are around the same price as L&p.
hi sorry to be a pain i just wanted to no why you put '(sorry fabric girls)' what was this refering to ?
sorry but i am also just learning all of this. thanks
Hi Chloe, there are three main nail systems - l&p (more commonly referred to as acrylic, but as you will find out if you stick on this site, all systems are acrylic based). gel (soak offs or non porous) and wraps (fibreglass or silk). I would guess Lell didn't want to offend any Geeks that do wraps since she has said that in her opinion gel and l&p are the most popular and therefore seemingly dismissing wraps - which knowing Lell I know that would not have been her intention (just some geeks are very touchy and defensive of their chosen systems!)

Hope that helps
Emma-Louise said:
I would like to know the difference between L&P (arcylic) and sculptured nails.
Liquid & Powder CREATES tip & overlays OR Sculpted nails depending on what is best for the person sat in front of you! You MUST prescribe the correct treatment for each individual so that it suits them perfectly. You may also Sculpt with Gel or Fibreglass (all 3 systems are from the ACRYLIC FAMILY which is why we refer to liquid & powder as such!)

Also Fibreglass nails which ones are also the most popular and why are gels so expensive....sorry questions, questions....
Most fibreglass systems are very similar; Fabric# is a fibreglass system created differently to most; it can actually look like L+P and be as strong (use the SEARCH button and put in Fabric or Fibreglass and you will be able to read some interesting comments)! When Lell mentioned Fabric - she was meaning Fibre!!

Finally, there is no partcular reason for Gels to be more expensive; I would say that was a marketing ploy!! So there you go; use the Search button - it will help you greatly! HTH's ;)
Thanks everyone for the info. I see my question made quite a stir, glad to see that everyone helps around here, makes it so much easier to get information.

Thanks again Emma

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