Well-Known Member
This is a really good thread! I have been working from home for 3 years and i was really busy until january when i lost a few clients to money problems etc. so i had the idea of making some posters with special offers for my local hair salons staff. I posted them around five local salons along with a cover letter for the manager asking if they would put my poster in the staff room, along with some business cards/price lists. My idea was discounted treatments for the staff then their customers would see their nails or lashes & ask where they got them from then they would hand them a business card & i would get loads of clients! Thats the idea anyway, I'm not sure if it will work but my hairdresser works in one salon who has my poster up in the staff room!
I was also going to try something like this. Print out price leaflets and ask hairdressers,shops etc that don't have beauticians to place in their shop and offer discount for the shop owners and staff