Here is my hair just now...
As you can see the black ends/light mousey brown up top. I am not sure if I want to go back to black...or if I want to go a deep chocolate brown, or even a really dark brown, any thoughts?
Maybe ****:
I would like to use Wella Koleston (I can pick it up from Sallys easily so)...or if you have any other recs that you think I shoudl do with my boring hair atm? The only time I got it dyed black was form the salon so not sure what they used
As you can see the black ends/light mousey brown up top. I am not sure if I want to go back to black...or if I want to go a deep chocolate brown, or even a really dark brown, any thoughts?
Maybe ****:
I would like to use Wella Koleston (I can pick it up from Sallys easily so)...or if you have any other recs that you think I shoudl do with my boring hair atm? The only time I got it dyed black was form the salon so not sure what they used