I hate cutting kids hair!


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Jun 28, 2010
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Hi everyone,
Im trying to pursue a mobile hairdressing career and after having had to cut the hair of several "less than enthusiastic" children under the age of 8 i have realised how much i havent missed cutting kids hair.

I guess its due to my nature but i find that i can rarely get a finished result that im happy with. It tends to be a case of getting as reasonable a result i can based on how much the child is moving around etc/ not sitting still. Ive cut my fingers at least twice over the last few weeks due to this situation and im seriously considering only working on ages of perhaps 10 upwards. How do you guys approach this problem?

Chris x
When someone wants to make a booking for a child, why not just say you don't do kids hair?
I wish the salon I work at would do that sometimes :lol:

Last week, a girl wouldn't keep her head still, and would allow her head to flop all over the place :eek::eek:
Whenever I combed the hair, she would flop her head in that direction, so it made the entire service a complete chore.I ended up running 20mins late because of this.
And you can't say "KEEP STILL:smack::mad:"(despite wishing you could :lol:)
i HATE doing kids hair... my freinds little girl was a right pain last weeka nd what started as an inch or two off ended up nearer a bob!!:eek:
she was a nightmare and kept lolling her head to each side.. her mum (my friend) was no help just giggling at her child! :irked:
she then text me to say she liked it but it was a bit shorter than she wanted??? wtf?? it was either shorter or uneven.
i have been cutting hair for 10 years and it never gets easier for me doing kids
Wow, im SO glad im not the only person that finds this task less than enjoyable...

chris x
I've got to admit I do tell them to keep still, as its for their own safety, I have sliced through a childs ear a long time ago, and it didn't stop bleeding. I'm mobile, and I have just put my prices up, I'm not much cheaper for children now than a salon. I will now only do them in school holidays not after school, and only if I do the adults of the house also.

I have my own children, and there is a danger that people will use you to cut their kids hair if you're mobile because you're cheaper, but not good enough to do the parents, so I make it clear I'm a professional hairdresser, not a "kids" hairdresser.

It is a good idea though to just say you don't do children, my old boss never did, and you'll find lots in salons that don't

Don't feel bad, make a stand:rolleyes:
I'm going to buck the trend and say that I don't mind cutting childrens hair, there are of course exceptions!!
I tend to use a firm whisper and say 'better keep still while I'm doing this or I might slip and cut you', and if its really impossible you have to tell the parents I've done my best but I can't cut the bob against the neck as shes moving too much and I wouldn't want to cut her, also I do offer lollies IF they sit still, bribery is often the best option or try asking about what they like at school or on tv etc., sometimes this distracts them enough and they sit still(er).
I do agree that as a mobile we are often seen as a 'cheap' alternative to a salon and not good enough for the parents but if you come over as professional you can win extra clients and doing a whole family gig can be profitable!:rolleyes:
I refuse point blank to do children. No exceptions.
i dont actually mind cutting childrens hair as i think i have worked out how to make them feel at ease, so that i can concentrate on doing a good job. i had a 5 yr old in most recently and he seemed very un -settled, untill i started to ask about his favourite childrens programs. he replied with ben 10 and then i got the whole story about which character he would like to be, how he has the fighting moves like the main character e.t.c e.t.c, and the more questions i asked, the more the child relaxed, kept still and listened to me if i asked him to put his head forward e.t.c. i think the children are more scared of us hairdressers than we are when we see that we have one booked in. make them feel at ease and it should be a doddle....... any problems then send them to me lol:lol: good luck. hope this helps
I tend to use a firm whisper and say 'better keep still while I'm doing this or I might slip and cut you',
I tried this, twice!
And her mum wanted me to straighten her hair too, so I told the child "Please sit very very still as these are very very hot and will burn you"
She didn't listen - But luckily she didn't touch the straighteners.
hi, i dont cut kids hair at all!!!! NO WAY!
I only cut the hair of clients children , and then only if they sit still and behave (the children not the clients lol)!!!!. :lol:
I only cut the clients childrens hair, I am mobile and I dont cut kids hair as a rule but if its families where I go and do the mum dad and kids I dont mind, I just do basic cuts on them wouldnt do a style as such due to the moving an the fact they become bored and move too much. I always offer to clipper boys hair that way they are nice and short and doesnt matter if they move too much.xx
I have to agree with Penners, I don't mind too much either.Children are probably one of my least favourite clients to do but as a mobile they make up quite a large proportion of my clientele ....there are ways and means of keeping them pretty still lol :) Lollies are a firm favourite :) I usually have a little chat with them first find some common ground or their favourite subject and don't have too many problems.Most of mine are regulars so they are generally very well behaved and sit still,i think getting to know them is key. Mums usually end up suitably impressed when their 'little one' gets along with you and is chatting away and nearly always re-book,
I have also found that nine times out of ten i eventually end up with the rest of the family as clients or their Mums for colours and cuts so for me it is very worthwhile doing children and can be quite profitable :)
Hi everyone!,

some great replies. I must admit, i kinda like the theory of "if you do the kids hair the parents could become clients too" BUT, on the basis that its more than possible that i just get stressed and arent happy with the end result i dont feel its worth it. I think moving forward im only gonna do clients children in future as for anyone else im taking the stance of ..... no way:green:!!!

Chris x
I only do clients hair ups/fringe trims other than that i stay the hell away from them. i was doin proms this year they all seems so irritating & very vocal on what they want....all bleeding cheryl cole look a likes!! this year they seemed so much more worse with all the questions of whats this?!!!
I do recommend sticking with clients children but put a cap on the age so you dont get into a situation where you feel compelled to do it. I dont do under 11 as a general rule, under 16 for beauty treatments but they must have parent supervison. Then i can pick and choose if i think they'll get on my nerves hehe!
I refuse point blank to do children. No exceptions.

I absolutely HATE doing kids. They don't want to be there, they hate you they're scared of the cape/scissors/whatever and their parents don't help ... at all!
I had one in last week and he screamed the place down. He was just a bad tempered little sh*t. Instead of his parents being firm with him they were telling him he should be a big boy and all of that nonsense. I told his father that he must be firm or set a precedent for the next time he went to get a hair cut - and that wasn't far to the person who would next cut his hair. He started to swing for me and my temper boiled. He got done, but I hope the little git goes somewhere else next time.
Kids? I'd prefer to refuse.:irked:
i dont actually mind cutting childrens hair ... any problems then send them to me lol:lol: good luck. hope this helps

You are seriously going to regret that Perfection ... I shall remind you of this post whenever we get one in ...
I only cut the hair of clients children , and then only if they sit still and behave (the children not the clients lol)!!!!. :lol:

Same here, I generally don't enjoy cutting childrens hair AT ALL, but my clients children are usually well behaved, and know me well enough that they feel comfortable and will sit still. If children come into the salon then I refuse to do it, unless they are older than about 9/10.
I have been kicked in the stomach by a toddler and a member of my staff has had a kid jump on the foot restso the chair jerked and it ripped off her acyrlic nail and half her nail with it (blood everywhere)

I do kids now and to be honest 90% of kids I do are well behaved, but God help the kid that Pees me off. I tell them their hair will be squint or ill do a bald patch by mistake if they dont keep still. Soons sorts them.

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