Well-Known Member
OMG PMSL. Seriously though I get them all the time. Sometimes I can't help myself & have to pick then they get very sore, but if I leave it alone eventually you can see it needs to be popped, then all better. I actually think it's fun when I can pop them.
How do they know who you were going to show it to. Sue em for lost earnings, and don't forget the tips. Poledancers would get good tips.
I did seek advice on clinical neglegence but as you can't see it when i'm wearing a bikini. They can't be blamed. Apparently it's completely acceptable for them to butcher your fanny if you aren't going to show it to anyone.
The moral of the story - don't try it at home. If i'd gone in the first place i wouldn't have ended up with a tract and my dreams of being a naked poledancer wouldn't be in tatters lol . xxx
How do they know who you were going to show it to. Sue em for lost earnings, and don't forget the tips. Poledancers would get good tips.