Awww, feel your pain..Well I don't, not anymore, but funny you should say that, because it happened to my 'special friend', again, this weekend..
(PS My post is bit gory!)
It was his last weekend of a 3 week sick leave as he had a big one cut out from his deriere. Only to discover another big whopper develope over the weekend!
He was in pain!
Not being one to spoil my planned weekend of fun & frolics, the 'surgeon' in me decided to 'op' it myself! lol
Yes, I got a sterilised needle and told him to bend over and soldior up boy, this may hurt a lil......OUCH!!!!!!!!
the lil punk (the lump that is) was so tough, it was a struggle to puncture the skin. He was screaming like a lil boy (my mister that is), lol.
And i finally grazed through to about a 3mm cut, but it was in vain, because it wasn't a weeper..
So I tried again !!!grrrr!
Still no luck and he was close to passing out from the pain.
So I accepted defeat, it will need another day to reach the surface before it would be ready for such an op.
So he's back at hospital today, so that the real surgeons can deal with it.
Needless to say, although he was in too much pain to walk me from the station, he seemed to be doing just fine and in full working order when it mattered ; )
Lessons learn't?..many, but one to pass on...
You can have it removed by docs, but they would literally cut the whole thing out, fill the void with some gauze until the hole closes up, which once healed leaves quite a scar. And apparently does not prevent a re-occurance.
These tough cookies are hard to DIY in the early days, so you may need to just wait till it reaches a soft spot, but that is my preferred method, as all it really needs is a little exit point for the pus.
Get well soon.x