failry new to this site but just thought I'd let everyone know that i finished my traing yesterday with an assessment and written exam for O.P.I. I got 85% on the written! shock! and Julia my educator said i could certainly make a good living, as she thought the nails I produced, one hand sculptured, one hand tips and overlay were very good. how chuffed am I!!!!!! She was excellent,( being a bit biased now) but she was very helpful, and very professional. I have practised on Fiona my nail trainer that she's looking a bit worse for wear now but it was a great help to me practising every night and also on clients
(friends under threat).
So out now into the big world of being a nail technician and also following up my training with a Creative conversion so i know both and forward to an N.V.Q. as soon as possible. took everyone's advice training training and more training!!!
(friends under threat).
So out now into the big world of being a nail technician and also following up my training with a Creative conversion so i know both and forward to an N.V.Q. as soon as possible. took everyone's advice training training and more training!!!