I have a lot of questions about Koleston, maybe someone could help me.
My natural hair are something about 6.0 color. I was dyeing them with dyes from stores with numbers 9 or 10. Few months ago I got a 7 base with John Frieda. Recently I decided to try again to get my dream light copper colour. I bought 10.04 and 9% Weloxon (1:1). My 7 base of John Frieda was already washed out from ends and roots was dark. With dyes from store I would got a light color, but with Koleston I stayed dark blonde. After 3 washes color washed out to a bit lighter. In conclusion, I was left with too dark hair and little shade of copper...
So, I don't know what to do next.
I have an idea to color with John Frieda 9 and become lihgt blonde (or is it better to try one more time with Wella?). After a month buy Koleston 10.03 and special mix 00/43, because I want more bright copper shade. For the roots I already have 9% Weloxon. But what I should do with ends? Buy 6%, or Pastel? With which developer color will stay longer?
And, if I color my roots with 9% Weloxon and ends with Pastel, can I do it at the same time, that is to say, if developers will touch (mixes) each other, that's ok?
Is the way to get a result without bleaching hair? What other mixes you could suggest to get this colour?

I have a lot of questions about Koleston, maybe someone could help me.
My natural hair are something about 6.0 color. I was dyeing them with dyes from stores with numbers 9 or 10. Few months ago I got a 7 base with John Frieda. Recently I decided to try again to get my dream light copper colour. I bought 10.04 and 9% Weloxon (1:1). My 7 base of John Frieda was already washed out from ends and roots was dark. With dyes from store I would got a light color, but with Koleston I stayed dark blonde. After 3 washes color washed out to a bit lighter. In conclusion, I was left with too dark hair and little shade of copper...
So, I don't know what to do next.
And, if I color my roots with 9% Weloxon and ends with Pastel, can I do it at the same time, that is to say, if developers will touch (mixes) each other, that's ok?
Is the way to get a result without bleaching hair? What other mixes you could suggest to get this colour?