"Liking Long Fingernails on Men"


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Glorsclaws said:
If this is so then did your father have long nails? are you from a culture where long nails are popular for men? Are you conditioned by your culture? Im interested.

Ive never towed the line of convention, broke my parents hearts growing up because they were the most conventional people on the planet.
Also, my experience of British culture is that it is one of the most diverse due to the many influences of the different nationalities here.

Im not particularly into long nails on your average stereotypical male. It may suit some men's image but, on your average Joe, I find it a bit of a turn-off.
No, I grew up in a very conservative, staid culture. I was constantly fighting a battle with my father about my nails - he was always pestering me to cut them.

My point about culture is that the majority of people tend to adopt the prevailing culture of their time and place - more so if their parents have adopted that culture. But there will always be people who buck the trend, for whatever reason, be it to rebel, or just because they are somehow different from the majority. I didn't do it to rebel. For me, I think I was probably influenced by a female friend of my mother's who had very long nails, as did her daughter, who was about 10 or 12. I was about 6 at the time, probably, and I vividly remember being spell-bound by her (and her daughter's) beautiful, long, natural nails (this was 1960s Britain, and false nails were extremely rare). That is what did it for me, I think, although I may be wrong, because it was so long ago.
Ah Ha! ... The 60's, you didnt grow up in the West Midlands did you (kidding) because I could easily have been your mother's friends daughter, lol!
Ive always had long nails too, some people like them, some cringe but, Ive had mine since childhood too so cant imagine being without them.

You should pop in & visit our Roofie (NailsInLondon) she does lovely manis and youll love what she does with her own nails!
Glorsclaws said:
Ah Ha! ... The 60's, you didnt grow up in the West Midlands did you (kidding) because I could easily have been your mother's friends daughter, lol!

Ive always had long nails too, some people like them, some cringe but, Ive had mine since childhood too so cant imagine being without them.

You should pop in & visit our Roofie (NailsInLondon) she does lovely manis and youll love what she does with her own nails!

Aah! So it was you who had that incredible effect on me all those years ago! :wink2: I grew up in suburban South East London.

I remember having a huge crush on the daughter, even though she was 5 or 6 years older than me. I remember spending weekends and school holidays in all-female company - my sister, my mum and her friends and their children, who all seemed to be girls - no boys, for some reason. So I was used to having to play with girls - which I did enjoy! Quite a few of them had serious nails... Don't seem to see such long nails on girls that young nowadays - must have been a 60s thing.

Yes, I may well pop in and see Roofie some time.
I have been surprised at some of the negative responses to this discussion.
As a supporter of the Liking Long Fingernails on Men site from the start I have worn my own nails long for many years. Recently frustrated by frequent breakages I am hoping to seek professioanl advice. But as an older non-effeminate gay man I am nervous of the reaction I may get at a salon.
I would welcome any advice & support.
Vetty said:
Oh lordy - when will I stop being surprised by stuff.....??!! They are seriously gross......

i agree :eek: ew!
I can't get the link to work :(

I like my own nails being a bit long and girly, but nothing too excessive, as I still need to be able to type/drive/etc - and *really* long nails can be a tad impractical!
I can't get the link to work :(
The site's been closed for a while now, unfortunately.

I like my own nails being a bit long and girly, but nothing too excessive, as I still need to be able to type/drive/etc - and *really* long nails can be a tad impractical!
Yes - impractical, but still highly desirable!
Ewww thats disgusting I must say!:irked::eek:
I'm unable to see pics :irked:

But, my taste runs towards very VERY masculine men.
Tall, and burly. Hairy chest, muscles, short hair... BUT GROOMED.
But if my hubby ever decided to grow his nails, I'd be at him with clippers in a flash.
I LIKE the differences between us.
I like that feminine is one thing and masculine another.
Is this conditioning by culture?
I don't know that I'd agree with that.
Our bodies are NATURALLY very different in many ways. Our temperaments, looks and characteristics.

Men, due to phsyical strength and what not, usually do jobs that women have more difficulty with. THIS IS NOT TO SAY that a woman can't do it. Only that most don't.
So, if you look at men doing plumbing and mechanics and construction where nails simply would be a hazard..
Then women are doing things that are less damaging to their hands and their nails aren't a hinderance..
See where I'm going with this? We naturally have longer nails. And men in most cases naturally have shorter ones.
It wasn't conditioning, just how things worked out.
Way back when, in the Orient, long nails on either a man or a woman was considered a sign of riches or royalty.

NOW it doesn't gross me out. But it's not my thing either. AND in all honesty, I would LOVE for someone like Ruth Mills to come to my door for my nail services. I think she/he (sorry, I'm a bit confused at what you prefer?:o sorry for my ignorance) is VERY interesting and I'd love to chat with Ruth.
I'd love to learn more about the culture Ruth is a part of. It's fascinating!
And seriously, the fun I could have doing Ruth's nails since the 'canvas' is larger than average? I'd be having a blast!

Now, while I'm all for "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" and equality and all that......

Back to my point... I enjoy our differences. I revel in them and I highly doubt I was conditioned that way since my father wanted a son and was dissappointed and turned me into a tomboy for several years: I played sports, wouldn't be caught dead in a dress, fished, camped, used tools, climbed trees, loved bugs, and jumped my bike better than any boy on the block etc..
If anything, I was conditioned towards boyish things (and I still wield power tools better than my hubby does) and YET I'm a girly-girl (long artsy nails, full makeup every day, high heels, etc.)

So, to toss the accusation of 'conditioning' at us is not only insulting, but a tad ignorant since you don't know any of us well enough to make that comment.
I personally am offended by anyone that suggests that I let others make up my own mind for me.
What an interesting thread. Unfortunately i can't see the pics so can't comment on those directly.
I have however seen alot of men with long fingernails. I used to live in Anguilla in the carribbean and its very popular to see men with long nails there. Almost like a show of manhood rather than the other way round. I remeber one guy who i used to catch the bus to school with had his pinkie sharpened to a stilletto point and it was at least an inch of free edge if not 1.5. I might add he was bloomin gorgeous and one of the most popular guys at school. The water used in your home comes directly off your roof and is gently filtered so you loose the bad but keep the good. it does wonders for hair and nails. One of my it teachers had the most perfect nails, long and almond shaped. A fair amount of the men wear clear polish on their nails too.
If you go out for the evening the guys have spent as long as you to get ready, in Caribbean culture, image is paramount, you may not have the best house but your car has to be the best and the cleanest, and you have to look perfect. And believe me some of those guys were seriously gorgeous....... :green:
Men over there have been grooming to this level for decades!
I think its fab, certainly long nails aren't to everybody's taste but there are far wierder things out there:)
I just had my first male client

They aren't long, he just wanted them to look neat. I thought they came out ok but I don't know I'd like to do long ones on a bloke:)
hey they are really good....well done x
NOW it doesn't gross me out. But it's not my thing either. AND in all honesty, I would LOVE for someone like Ruth Mills to come to my door for my nail services. I think she/he (sorry, I'm a bit confused at what you prefer?:o sorry for my ignorance) is VERY interesting and I'd love to chat with Ruth.
I'd love to learn more about the culture Ruth is a part of. It's fascinating!
And seriously, the fun I could have doing Ruth's nails since the 'canvas' is larger than average? I'd be having a blast!

Thank you :) Shame we're the other side of the Atlantic, as you sound fab, especially with what you've been saying about your wedding plans and whatnot.

I prefer being called "she"; I would be Ruth all the time if it was possible; I know my lovely wife Sonia prefers me as Ruth. But neither of us are the "norm" though; we both identify as bi but with a preference for women and "girly" men.
This Is One Thing That Turns My Stomach, I Hate Long Manicured Nails On Men.

In Thailand Some Of The Men Have The Pinky Finger Long - Even That Turns Me, I Mean Cringe.

Ladyboys Dont Bother Me, They Look Fab With Long Nails

I Would Rather Have A Man With Stubby Nails Anyday.

I Like My Men Rough And Ready (van Diseal)
Theres a guy I work with who has long nails - he also plays the guitar - they gross me out. I prefer a man with nice short nails.
whatever floats your boat.. live and let live... (now where did i put that wax?)
To be honest, I would not let a man with nails like that touch me - it grosses me out. I prefer a man with short trimmed nails.
In Thailand Some Of The Men Have The Pinky Finger Long - Even That Turns Me, I Mean Cringe.

Doesn't that have something to do with no toilet paper???:eek:

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