Lost Thumbs


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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2004
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Hi again,

Does anyone out there (other than Debsidoo99) have any clients that keep losing their thumb enhancements? And if so is there any reason why???? My client is new (only done her twice) but each time she has lost her thumbs, I saw her yesterday only 1 week since doing them and the thumbs had gone already.

Any advice?!?! :(
I have had a couple of clients like this, it's so annoying as you know it is surely down to them, and upon further questioning it normally is (making beds, car doors, filing cabinets, kickboxing etc etc). I take their thumbs a little shorter than the other nails, and build up the stress zone a little more.

I now put a layer of fibreglass under the gel which reinforces it, this has worked incredibly well with my clients and allows me to keep their enhancements as flat as possible. I use LCN's phasique system.

I think sometimes you use your thumbs or should I say the extentions on the thumbs as tools without realising. Some times I use the tip of my extention for levering the tip onto a client and so removing my own tip. Not now as I have learnt and adjusted the stress area on my own thumbs.

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