Major Catch 22! TRAINING!


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Active Member
Nov 18, 2010
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I'm new to this, i've only just joined.

My situation is i'm 24 years old, i've done my Level 1 and 2 in Hairdressing. I finished my Level 2 course in june 2009 and didn't get onto my Level 3 because I didn't turn up for a trade test... Long Story :rolleyes: lol.

Anyway, i've never NOT wanted to do Hairdressing, i went into it late due to lack of confidence, and I havn't done anything about it in the past year due to lack of confidence.

My Catch 22 is, I have literally no salon experience (apart from college). I can't start my Level 3 without a salon placement, but I don't feel confident enough right now to approach a salon because of my lack of knowledge.

I don't work at the moment so funds are low, but i'd like to do some sort of couple of days/week long refresher course. I'm from Liverpool, i'd be willing to travel a few miles.

Please can anyone give me any advice?

Sorry for the essay :lol:

The best solution by far is to volunteer in a salon to to unpaid work experience. Try and get into the best salon you can. You need to learn saloncraft as well as observe experienced stylists at work. This is now how most college trained hairdressers get jobs.
Good luck x
Have you had your interview yet to get onto level 3. persianiasta is right the only way is to go round all the top salons and tell them your situation and offer to work/observe/junior for free...
also go to your local wholesalers....i think salonsdirect is just over the water in birkenhead they do courses..i think they run a wella fundermental techniques course its a short course and may be a good thing to do
Salon Supplies & Beauty Equipment for Professional Hair and Beauty Salons from Salons Direct
give them a call find out what courses they are running and do by shy doing them.
hth a bit
Aw thanx for the reply you 2 :o)

Joanne, I e-mailed salons direct they told me they only do a basic hair up course, but i've just e-mailed them again and copy and pasted the courses that are advertised on their website in the e-mail.

Persianista, I kno it might be aiming a bit high given my lack of experience, but do you think even someone like Toni&Guy would take me on? (unpaid). I want to start as i mean to go on, in good salons.

Thankyou xx
Some colleges/courses want you to do a work based placement whilst others dont. If I was in your shoes I would look for another college course; one where they didnt require you to already be working in a salon

(i do beauty rather than hair but this was the case with beauty anyways)
That would be ideal , but colleges are crap really. The one i was in anyway.
If i could afford it i'd ideally like to do some sort of fast track course. I didn't need a placement for my level 2, but maybe i do for my level 3. Everywhere av tried have said i need to be in a salon. :mad:
I think most colleges will only take you on level 3 with you being able to get a salon placement.
I know some in my class needed help to find one and they did start level 3 without and the tutors helped them find a salon placement,
also a lad in my level 3 class did his salon placement with toni and guy in southport as far as i am aware they may take on near your area..your best bet is to knock on everydoor possible.
also try aston and fincher and sally's for courses too :hug:
hi im doing level 3 just now and there are 4 people in my class who are in placement in toni & guy and they just approached them and asked to do unpaid 1 day a week work so i think that would be a great place for you to start, or any other salon that offers training so you can be at an advantage by sitting in on their training too (ie toni & guy, saks)
I'm very surprised you didn't need a placement for your level 2, I qualified at 18 from a full time college course, at 19 I was jobless as the salon closed down ... I took the yellow pages and highlighted what I believed to be the better salons and rang them all asking if they had any work at all! ... 3 days later I started with saks ... Full time, paid .... With on going training!

I know it's not as easy now a days but try to be positive ... Show willing and a ton of enthusiasm ... This is the best time of year to find a placement even if it's just of a friday and Saturday, you may have to start at the bottom but you WILL get there, and it'll work wonders for your confidence!!!

Best of luck x
Thankyou for these very positive replies.
Am taking everythin in.
I am so passionate about Hairdressing, seriously i'll start anywhere cause it's what i want to do for the rest of my life. I even have a pair of scissors tattooed behind my ear lol. Not that that's the be all and end all LOL.

It's just cirumstances have made it hard for me to train.

Am gonna do whatever I can to sort it out.
I'm thinking of applying for a Career development Loan so i can do one or 2 of Toni&Guys courses at their academy in Manchester to get me right up to date with it all... Then i'll feel confident enough to approach a salon and ask for a placement.
I kno i wouldn't be doing much with hair at the moment anyway, but just being in a salon with a severe lack of knowledge really intimidates me. I've got the potential to be a very good Hairdresser, i just lack knowledge.

Thanks again for the replies :o)

Allan xx
hi allen i have just sent you a Private message

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