All I can say is great effort, regrettably I can't comment further or offer constructive critique.
As for Carl aka Nailzoo... you WILL grow to love him, even when he's a sarcastic/humouristic/straight shooter, pain in the heiney (xoxo to you Carl :lol
He has a type of humour that if someone is having a bad day... they may take it the wrong way OR for failure to understand his humour, take it the wrong way.
He has tonnes of experience to share and most times, his critiques and suggestions are dead on. His 'delivery' is a bit dry and I do understand that not all share his humour. Heck, in the beginning, until I learned to understand him...I took him the wrong way too.
So, when in doubt, I ask him straight up if he's poking fun at me or 'with' me:wink2:
One thing you can count on with him is he's always honest, even if it's painful; which to be truthful, is much needed to give us the kick in the arse we need sometimes (that includes myself).