I have used Polish pro since it's launch with no problems for my clients or myself.
I live in Australia, which is a hot humid climate.
My first thought that came to me after reading your post was, sunscreen MIGHT be the cause of the problem as you say your client has gone to a hotter climate and maybe would not normally lather herself with sunscreen.
Bu tin saying that, I use sunscreen daily due to our weather and never had any problems but maybe it's a mix of sunscreen, not washing it off her hands thoroughly after application and I'm sorry to say, maybe the application has stood up to her normal conditions but can't handle the big change. Maybe coincidentally on this last application the prep was not as thorough, a step was missed without realising cause you were both chatting about the up coming holiday....numerous things could have happened and neither of you remember or know about it.
Maybe this client has done something/used something while away that she normally wouldn't use and has caused the PP to break down and lift/peel off.
If she has not experienced problems until now and has only had problems while away, then I would bet my money that it's something she has done while away and doesn't realise it.
Don't stress it too much, I'm sure things will come good once she's home and back in her normal routine

But like I said, I live in the very hot, humid climate of Brisbane, Australia and it can get that bad here some days that I reckon the UV rays from the sun could totally cure my gels
See what happens after she comes home and you reapply, I'm sure the problem will go away.