I can understand that it is probably very difficult to control online, unauthorised outlets.
But Dermalogica sell themelves to trained therapists as being a brand who will not tolerate unauthoried sales. Yet this is not the case.
When I was looking into taking on Dermalogica last year I questioned the rep about this, and on the one hand I was assured that they have an entire team dedicated to stopping these sales, yet on the other hand she claimed that they knew nothing about the Jersey based business which probably sells more of their products than everyone else combined!! how can they possibly not know about it - everyone else does!
They have always stated that the public will not be able to purchase retail products without a therapist recommendation.
All I'm saying is that they ought to stop saying one thing and doing another.
And one big difference between them and CND - you're not supplying Boots and by-passing the very people you are meant to support, are you? :lol:
But Dermalogica sell themelves to trained therapists as being a brand who will not tolerate unauthoried sales. Yet this is not the case.
When I was looking into taking on Dermalogica last year I questioned the rep about this, and on the one hand I was assured that they have an entire team dedicated to stopping these sales, yet on the other hand she claimed that they knew nothing about the Jersey based business which probably sells more of their products than everyone else combined!! how can they possibly not know about it - everyone else does!
They have always stated that the public will not be able to purchase retail products without a therapist recommendation.
All I'm saying is that they ought to stop saying one thing and doing another.
And one big difference between them and CND - you're not supplying Boots and by-passing the very people you are meant to support, are you? :lol: