How many that are passionate about their profession, research the BIG names in the nail industry?
I mean we know (mostly) who the 'Sweets' are and then there's Gigi Rouse, Sam Biddle, Rebecca Orme, Gemma Lambert, Kirsty Meakin, Denise Wright, the late Tom Holcomb, Doug Schoon to name but a few. But, how many of us actually research our 'Greats'?
I spoke to a 'nail tech' today and as I was chatting away about these folk, she said she trained with NSI and my reply was "oh yeah Denise Wright does this area, I'm doing a conversion with her" and she looked at me and said "sorry who's that" well I was gob smacked. So I then started asking her if she knew of Gemma and Kirsty's work and (my personal idol) Sam, and she didn't know who I was on about.
Such a shame, I love to know who does what and love looking at their work. Sam Biddle has been and idol of mine for years for her designs and that's what made me find out who else the 'biggies' were.
Maybe I'm just a crazy sad nail tech that loves everything about this business, loves to see who I can one day hopefully be up next to and possibly meet. Forget your celebs on tv, I'd love to meet the above folk.
Just wondered what others thought.