Hello! I am new here but I have read some of your posts and I hope you could all help me with my hair color (please excuse my english mistakes, I am a beginner).
So, I am a medium brown and over the years I have dyed it at home and at the salon, with different colors of brown and brunette, never have tried dying it to the blonde range.
About a month ago, I saw the Wella Illumina color chart and I tought I should try changing my hair to a 7.81 or 8.1. I bought the 7.81 and Welloxon Perfect 12% but the color was nowhere near that. On the lenght and ends it didn't change anything, it's still a dark-medium brown with some highlights of copper as a result of previous colors, and my roots became an orange-red color.
After doing some research I finally understood that you can't brighten a hair that has artificial dark pigment, with only a brighter color shade.
I plan on doing a gommage(I hope it's the right term) with L'oreal Effasor(not Effasol) and dying it again.
Please give me some advice on how to obtain this color on my hair. In my town there are no hairdressers that work with Illumina, I saw this chart in another country.
Thank you!
So, I am a medium brown and over the years I have dyed it at home and at the salon, with different colors of brown and brunette, never have tried dying it to the blonde range.
About a month ago, I saw the Wella Illumina color chart and I tought I should try changing my hair to a 7.81 or 8.1. I bought the 7.81 and Welloxon Perfect 12% but the color was nowhere near that. On the lenght and ends it didn't change anything, it's still a dark-medium brown with some highlights of copper as a result of previous colors, and my roots became an orange-red color.
After doing some research I finally understood that you can't brighten a hair that has artificial dark pigment, with only a brighter color shade.
I plan on doing a gommage(I hope it's the right term) with L'oreal Effasor(not Effasol) and dying it again.
Please give me some advice on how to obtain this color on my hair. In my town there are no hairdressers that work with Illumina, I saw this chart in another country.
Thank you!