New to the forum so please be patient!!
I have ultra light blond hair which is quite ashey. It has quite bad damage to the ends through overlapping with bleach in the past. I want to go a more golden/strawberry blond so purchased Majiblond 934 light golden copper blond to mix with 6% developer. Does anyone know if I will get my desired result? I was going to use majirel 8.30 intense light golden blond on the underneith for some depth. what do you reckon?
New to the forum so please be patient!!
I have ultra light blond hair which is quite ashey. It has quite bad damage to the ends through overlapping with bleach in the past. I want to go a more golden/strawberry blond so purchased Majiblond 934 light golden copper blond to mix with 6% developer. Does anyone know if I will get my desired result? I was going to use majirel 8.30 intense light golden blond on the underneith for some depth. what do you reckon?