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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2004
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Further to the recent thread about opening a new salon, I am also madly thinking up loads of ideas for different ways of advertising, new promotions etc to make my (sexy pink!) new salon - the talk of the town!!!
Thought I'd kick off by sharing my ideas with y'all - in the hope that you'll bounce some right back at me!!!

Here goes...
  • Opening Day: Database Mail merge (from existing clients) - 10% off all BOOKINGS made on this day
  • Opening Day: leaflet drop 5-10mile radius (By hand, Get quote from Royal Mail for direct Mail drop;jsessionid=4FWYH0IYHBSSACRAZROUOSQKEDGGYQ2K?catId=500185&mediaId=400054, Check out local Newsagents to see if they'll do a drop with newspaper delivery)
  • Local Schools- parents / teachers / kids parties - poster for staff room?
  • Weddings Section(see Yellow Pages) - leave flyers, work out affiliated discount scheme..
  • Xmas promo with local shops (i.e. spend £x here, get 5% voucher for here)
  • Local Paper / Radio Competition - Readers / listeners have to submit entry with name / address (add to database for later date!!) winner gets £x worth of treatments / products
  • Fashion Shows – fashion colleges / charities etc? Offer free nails / tans on models in return for BIG mention. Have stand with balloons, nail art displays, business cards etc!
  • Wedding Journal feature
  • Wedding Exhibition
  • Lincolnshire Journal feature (local 'society' pages)
  • Contact my Suppliers – can I get higher up on their recommended list?
  • WebSite design / Graphics / logo etc: contact local art / design college to see if any current or past students want a project to add to their portfolio - you might get a freebie, as they'll be pleased to have a 'real' job! This may also be part of their course and count as a project for them. I did it - it worked!!!
  • DIY / gardening shop (something involving getting your hands mucky!) – voucher for mini-mani £5? / Shoe Shop - voucher for mini-pedi.
  • Business Card with actual tip + Nail Art attached?
  • Hen parties - In connection with limo hire company / local ritzy / chicago rock...etc
  • Kids Parties - advertise in schools / dance schools
  • Dance Schools – Proprietor / Mums / Kids / do tans & nail art for dance shows in return for BIG mention!
  • Football / Rugby Clubs – special offers for g’friends / wives on match days / training nights - posters / flyers in club house
  • Leaflet drop to big companies in 5mile radius - esp round xmas - get your nails / tan etc in time for that xmas party!!!
  • Xmas Party venues (restaurants etc - "book your xmas party here, and get 10% discount voucher for Salon X")
My brain is well & truly stormed!!!

I've tried not to repeat the obvious ones (Yellow pages, Newspaper Ads etc) but if you have any exciting ideas... let me know!
Phew hun that must of drained you - I've never seen so many ideas...

Just a word of advice, which I hope you dont mind....The Royal Mail are very expensive and you might need a minimum spend per thousand with them, plus you might need an account i.e. they don't do cash sales, (unless this has changed in the last year) and they normally are booked up for most postcodes 8 weeks in advance, so if you are wanting to do this then do it quickly -

best of luck and I hope you have a fab opening day..
Thanks Louise - I did wonder how that would work out!!

Anyone got any ideas how to get a door-to-door leaflet drop done in a sensible amount of time? - I have a massive area I'd like to cover - it'll take me weeks to deliver by hand!

Parlour-Made Nails said:
Thanks Louise - I did wonder how that would work out!!

Anyone got any ideas how to get a door-to-door leaflet drop done in a sensible amount of time? - I have a massive area I'd like to cover - it'll take me weeks to deliver by hand!


Speak to National LetterBox Marketing or to Circular Distributors, they both put leaflets throught letterboxes with the local free newspaper, and you can target demographically , which saves on your pennies...(they are competitors)

CD are in Manchester and NLM are based down south but do have a Northern Office, and I think again in Manchester.....all the best
Hi Laura

You sound like me! I am about to open a salon in November and I have a list similar to yours for promotional ideas.

So far as leaflet drops are concerned, why not ask the local college/sixth form or such like if there might be some students who would like to earn £? for delivering your leaflets in their local area - as students come from all over, perhaps you could get a large area covered without spending a fortune. Also try people who may have au pairs who might like to earn more than what they do on top of being an au pair. We have quite a number of au pairs where I live who have set up a little distribution club for leaflet drops etc.

Anyway PM me if you want to discuss marketing/promotions any further perhaps we can brainstorm together!!!

Best of luck

All the best with the new salons!! Look in yellow pages for leaflet distributers. I spoke to one a couple of months ago and he quoted about £30 plus vat per thousand min £5000. No use to me as I'm part time mobile and it would generate too much for me but it would be a cost effective method for a new salon I would think. I've always had between 1-6 calls per 100 leaflets delivered - far better than the return from yellow pages etc.
Good luck
evie, sorrry to be thick... :o but did you mean minimum £5000 or 5000 leaflets (i.e.£150 minimum)

Theres always the paper/junk leaflets delivery boy.... why not grab him and offer him some extra cash to put your fliers through with the papers/leaflets?
Suggestion - when I opened I got all my family together the Sunday before I opened asked them all to give me a few hours of their time to help get me started - brothers,wives,neices,etc. They only had to do 4hours and then I took them all for lunch, it worked brilliantly and they felt great because they had given me a helping hand!!
Ann Summers Reps are a good source of advertising too - my friend used to be an Area Manager for them.

We agreed I would do her nails, she would carry my business cards and I would carry hers in return :green:

Would have worked really well apart from the fact her kids are ill and she had to give it up :(

Lots of women in one place, having fun, drinking etc. perfect breeding ground for word of mouth recommendations, especially if you do the reps nails for her

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