Hi I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on the attached photo. The client did her own nails and has used the product before but experienced burning sensation, pain and swelling on this occasion...any ideas?
Thank you
Usually a reaction to something happens over continued exposure, so you might not react the first few times,then might have a mild reaction than gets more significant over continued exposure. I'm allergic to hema in monomer and alot of gel's. The only one I can use so far is the silcare base one range.
That looks like an allergic reaction but she’d need a dermatologist to confirm that. Chances are that the client has got some of the uncured product on her skin at some point. Once you develop a sensitivity to a product, the reaction will only worsen on further exposure so she needs to re-think her nail products.
Quite possible but also the skin condition around the nails looks quite dry and broken with tiny abrasions. Some cuticle removed and some remaining... Perhaps a few paint free manicures to improve condition might help?
Was the reaction because a product was in contact with broken skin? Before trying a different product I would work on that issue, it certainly couldn’t make things worse if you used hypoallergenic manicure goodies.
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