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I know exactly how you feel, have been there many times :cry: and wonder why I put myself through it.  Then I have a glass of wine and an early night and the answer comes to me!!! BECAUSE I LOVE NAILS AND I LOVE THE JOB :lol:  :lol:

I have been doing nails for the last year but only went mobile four months ago.  I had exactly the same as you, loads of offers all the time I did them half price, but no-one wanted to pay full price!!!  So I stopped offering a discount.  Even my sister pays full price.  When I use to do her nails for half price, she constantly would pick them off, but now that she has to pay for them, she doesn't abuse them.!! ;)

A couple of my customers have been from the school but the rest have all come from advertising in my local paper.  Having read other threads on advertising I would say I have been very lucky. 

I have just put my youngest into a creche two mornings aweek so I can offer some daytime appointments, but the majority of mine are for the evenings and weekend.

Don't let it get you down.  Before I took the children too school Monday morning I had eight appointments for this week.  By the time I dropped Harry off at the creche (9.30!!!! :lol: ) I had three cancel.  Just when you think it's going well it all changes.  Keep your chin up.
