Hi there, just wanted to give you my opinion on this product.
Nothing nasty, but i work for an Aesthetic surgeon in Manchester and we supply Latisse or Lumigan as it can some times be called. It contains Bimatoprost which is a medical product to treat swelling of the eyeball. The side effect was that patients noticed eyelash growth. Its made by Allergan who make Botox toxin and is very safe to use.
The Revitalash is available over the counter and I cannot find an ingredients list, but it hints that it has some Bimatoprost in it. As Bimatoprost is a controlled drug, it is only available on prescription from a GP, I cannot believe it could work very well. Lots of our clients have the Latisse and it works really well, the downside is it costs of seventy nine pounds per unit which will last around eight weeks, with significant growth/lash thickness/darkening at week four or five (quicker if you are dark skinned). Maximum growth will be around week 16, and its just a couple of times a week as maintenance. If you stop using it, your lashes just go back to as they were before.
The Revitalash has been used by a friend of mine and she hasnt seen any change in her lashes at all and she is on week 10.
Would be interesting to hear if anyone has successfully used this.
Let me know if you would like any further info on this.