Hello, I've got a little of a problem. This year I've started a cidesco course at ray Cochrane beauty school in London. After a couple of months I've realised that the school is not what I've imagined and is not up to the standard I expected so I asked the manager to just finish off my cibtac qualification and not do the cidesco part. Now let me add that I am not asking for my money back as I've been paying in installments so have not even paid for the cidesco part. The manager got enraged and told me that he will sue me if I do that and I have to pay and stay the whole course. I've told him that I have no money to pay for the cidesco part but he told me that he doesn't care and he's just running a business. My question is does he have any basis to sue me if I leave? I am going to pay the amount for the cibtac but really don't want to stay in this school to do the rest and have to pay for something I don't even want to do.
P.s. to make it more clear the cidesco course is made of parts the first part is the cibtac and after you pass cibtac you do cidesco. Thank you
P.s. to make it more clear the cidesco course is made of parts the first part is the cibtac and after you pass cibtac you do cidesco. Thank you