Silver shampoo????


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Feb 17, 2011
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Hi am new to this site and need some help, today I had my hair bleached, as the bleach was on my scalp started to burn, so much so that i had to have it washed off after 10 minutes, it hurt so much, my hairdresser said she would just put a toner on and leave it on for longer ( i was just having my roots done) but i couldn;t stand it on my head as my scalp was so sore, so she had to "!paint" on Silver shampoo, massaged it in and left it for 20 minutes, now my roots are a tiny bit yellow and i have purply blue strands all over my hair....can anybody tell me how i can correct this, i wa told to wait till my scalp was less sore and put a toner on my roots to remove the yellow, is this right and if so i do i get rid of the purple????

Thanks in advance
If the purple was caused by the silver shampo, then this will wash out, never heard of a case where it didn't.
I would wait to tone the yellow out until the purple is gone, just to be sure... But then i might be a bit too precautious!:green:

About which toner you should use, sorry I recommend you going to your hairdresser for this, if too pricey then there usually is a huge price range so I would start searching for the cheaper one then. Doing it home alone isn't recommended, not by me anyway!:hug:
Thanks for your reply, do i need to wash it with normal shampoo to get rid of the purple? I have a toner which my hairdresser gave me, my friend is also a hairdresser so she could put it on for me, as long as its going to remove the yellow
Did u have a skin test before our appointment?
If so (and with it jus being your roots gettin bleached) it sounds like they may have mixed the bleach with peroxide that's too strong or used bleach not meant for the scalp.

I can't believe they gave you the toner to take home! She should have made you an appointment for when your scalp is better and sorted it for you herself.

What toner has she gave you?

Is your scalp still sore or blistered?
Did u have a skin test before our appointment?
If so (and with it jus being your roots gettin bleached) it sounds like they may have mixed the bleach with peroxide that's too strong or used bleach not meant for the scalp.

I can't believe they gave you the toner to take home! She should have made you an appointment for when your scalp is better and sorted it for you herself.

What toner has she gave you?

Is your scalp still sore or blistered?

I completely agree. Speak to the salon manager/owner about your concerns perhaps?
They shouldn't have given you the toner to take home, Its a professional product and should be applied by a professional, thats what you paid for.
No I didn't have a skin test, but I always have the same done, its never bothered me before, my scalp is blistered and i cant even bare to brush it. She has given me Koleston Perfect 12/11 special intense ash blonde
I would go to a gp and get him to have a look at your scalp.

Doesn't matter if you always have the same, you can develop an allergy at anytime.

Don't use that colour please, especially while your scalp is like it is.
Go back to the salon and ask to speak to the manager or owneras viva.glam said, and explain what's happened.
Hiya, I just wanted to add that I put a post up a couple of months ago asking advice for one of my friends who had burnt her scalp with bleach and consequently had blisters, the consensus was that she go to her G.P before attempting any further treatment to her hair. She did go and got some medicated cream and also got some aloe vera gel which worked a treat. Just thought you might like to know about the aloe vera gel incase your scalp is still sore.
No I didn't have a skin test, but I always have the same done, its never bothered me before, my scalp is blistered and i cant even bare to brush it. She has given me Koleston Perfect 12/11 special intense ash blonde

You should always have a skin test when having a toner and it's not the case if you were ok and didn't have problems with the toner, if you even caught a cold or cough since having your last toner it can change your whole biochemical reactor cells that can cause a severe allergic reaction when you next have a toner. What if you reacted to this toner when you got to put it on at home on your todd and your airways started to shut and believe me it happens so quick you won't even have enough time to phone 999. What this salon done was highly irresponsible and can get into so much trouble over it. Please get that scalp looked at as it sounds like they have used the incorrect bleach for scalp bleaching. Hope your head feels better soon and please bare in mind that the above is the worst scenario and is rare but skin test are done for a reason it could happen.
Silver shampoo is great - we use Matrix Essentials So Silver but if the ends are very porous they will grab and go purple but it should wash out next wash.

I agree with Simba44 and others the salon has behaved irresponsibly and it could be dangerous - go to GP now and have skin test next time you want to have a colour tell the next salon you go to what has happened - do not take a risk.

Good luck x
Yes please go to your GP before you do anything else, an allergic reaction is A MEDICAL CONDITION that needs treatment! As stated above, you could go into shock if you put any other colours on your hair, as you dont know what it is in the products you are allergic to. When you go to your doctor he/she will give you treatment for your scalp, and medications to controll the allergy. Please dont put it off. Hope you are ok xxxx
Did they also give you peroxide to mix with it? Hmm never seen this sort of home care befor! Maybe give you a colour fresh would have been just a bit better!!

As for the scalp deffo go to the doctors if its really bad!! When I used to have bleach on my scalp I hated it! It really itches! But I find bed head do a hair mask that's a pepermint one in a rounf tub (not sure what its called someone help me out!) But I used to slap loaddddss of that on as it really does cool your head down =) as it still can be senstive for weeks after! I used to have to get cold showers as I couldn't stand warm water on my head!

Also another thing is I believe fudge do a scalp bleach that is a cream that is design for the scalp to prevent this from happening I dnt think ur a hairdresser as I'm on my phone and it doesn't say, but maybe try find a salon near you that used this fudge scalp bleach or a special scalp bleach as this may be a lot better for you?

Are you friends with the hair dresser or go a lot as I've never known anyone to give a client a tube of colour and tell them to put it on at home!! X

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I always go to her, she gave me the toner because i complained of the yellowy tint to my roots, said to let my scalp cool down before putting it on hence why she said do it at home, i have woken up this morning and have a rash over my whole body???? and its really itchy. I was worried about how my roots would be done next time if i am allergic to the bleach and she said she would do a high lift tint, would this have the same effect as bleach, my hair is near on white and i dont want yellow roots everytime, she said i might be best to just have a medium blonde all over if i cant stand the bleach or toners on my head... i am worried my hair is always going to look a mess now, unless i go darker. i will def go to my gp
Please do go to a doctors right now.
Sorry, but chances are if your allergic to the bleach, you may be allergic to other tints aswell, but you won't know this until you have a skin test.
That is so unprofessional of the stylist to not skin test and to give you the colour to take home.
I'm not great with wella colours but is 12/11 not just 12 intense ash, which wouldn't kill the yellow tones anyway.

Please go and see the salon owner and manager about this as the stylist cannot carry on like that!
I have been to my docs and he said i have had a severe reaction to the bleach, and not to use any bleach ot toners. I am now frightened to death to do anything to it. My friend has told me to go into her salon tomorrow and they will do a patch test and then if that comes out ok will put a dark colour on for me, and i will just have to go back to being a brunette, although wont this go a funny colour as my hair is near on white at the moment? I'm scared it will go orange or green
Jesus she gave you a tube of colour to take home and DO IT YOURSELF? What a pants "hairdresser" that is! I wonder if her boss knows she has done this? If she didn't know how to deal with the situation she should have asked one of the other stylists, manager or boss.
Go for the patch test because you clearly don't want to leave your hair to grow out. You could always have foils done? This shouldn't touch the scalp.
Don't panic it won't go green or orange if they know what there doing!!! Just needs something called pre pigging !

Craig Keane
I have been to my docs and he said i have had a severe reaction to the bleach, and not to use any bleach ot toners. I am now frightened to death to do anything to it. My friend has told me to go into her salon tomorrow and they will do a patch test and then if that comes out ok will put a dark colour on for me, and i will just have to go back to being a brunette, although wont this go a funny colour as my hair is near on white at the moment? I'm scared it will go orange or green

So you go to your doctor he says your allergic to bleach and toner, so why the hell does she want to go against your doctor and why does she want to do a patch test. All I can say is she better have really good insurance because if it were Joe public that had happened to she'd be taken to the cleaners.

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