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Firstly, if you have not done so yet, I suggest you invest in a Nail Technician course and obtaining certified qualifications that you can show your clients and get insured.

I have been doing my nails since age 16 but became a legal PA and spent many years working in prestigious law firms in London. I took time out and qualified as a nail technician in 2012 and obtained 6 months experience working in two discount salons in 2014. I have now enrolled at college to study Beauty therapy level 2 full time.

The beauty industry is hard to branch into without qualifications and most salons require Beauty therapy level 2 for you to even get a chance in the door, especially in these trying times.

Just like you need to study to become a lawyer you also need to study to become a nail technician. There is no  "quick fix". Find a good course and go from there. Good luck.
