Thanks hun for such good advice, and everyone that has posted as well, i have now calmed down and decided to just leave it where is was as i didn't want it to make it any harder for us, she has text today syaing ' i'm not avoiding you and i have sent 2 payments now but this new job has been hectic so i've been all over the place and staying away most weeks, sorry if i've not been in contact more'
I replied with 'I know that you are working away alot with your new job hun but i didn't know where i stood as it had been so long that i hadn't heard from you, you have been a good client and i don't want to fall out maybe if you could pop in to the salon we could have a chat and sort it out?'
I just don't know anymore, the more i think about it the more i convince myself i over reacted but i do still think she is in the wrong as well :grr:
You're welcome.
You did not over react, so don't think that way.
Your client was in the wrong and needs to take responsibility for her behaviour.
I think that your most recent messages are positive.
Hopefully you will be laughing together about this in a few months.