Soft gel or hard gel?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2011
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Hi I'm a hairstylist and have tried all sorts on my nails, what does people find best on nails for wear and tear? I don't want acrylic though. Thanks
Hi I'm a hairstylist and have tried all sorts on my nails, what does people find best on nails for wear and tear? I don't want acrylic though. Thanks
Every nail system is acrylic so you may be out of luck if you don't want to use it.

Which system to use is an individual thing depending on your nails, your job etc ... There is no best and there is no 'safest' ... There is just what is right for you.

Many hairstylists like gel; it is very non-porous and they feel it stands up to the rigours of the job best. But I know plenty of stylists (like my own) who prefer Liquid & Powder. If you have tried 'all 'sorts' on your nails then presumably you were not happy with the results.

Sounds to me like a hard gel might suit your needs or if your nails are healthy and strong, then a UV colour coat such as Shellac. Its a Case of, 'suck it and see' which is the most durable for you, your job, and the amount of home care you are prepared to give them. Any nail coating does need care at home ... Especially with your job.
my hairdresser is currently sporting shellac and is amazed at how long it is lasting!

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