Spray tanning for a man in Reading area


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Apr 25, 2012
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I really hope you don't mind me gatecrashing your great forum here! I'm looking for some help if anyone doesn't mind.

I am in the Reading area in Berks firstly. I have e-mailed a few people I've found on Gumtree and just via Google but not having any joy so far. I read some threads on here and I can see there's a mixture of spray tan technicians that do and don't do spray tanning for us guys, and more specifically, in the buff!

I feel I need to elaborate here as I am not some weirdo wishing to be naked in front of someone and quite frankly I don't care if it's a guy doing it and I will certainly fell awkward having this done! I have never had a spray tan before, in fact I've never set foot in a salon before, the nearest I've come to one is dropping off or picking up my other half outside of one!

The reason I would like one is I have stupidly agreed on behalf of one our village charities to do a "calendar girls style" nude calender shoot. Christ knows what I'm thinking but it is designed to be a bit of a laugh and we have several chaps and chapesses taking part, of course when the calendar is published it is not explicit in any way and all the "bits" will be covered by amusing props etc. Being over 6ft tall and quite slim, read skinny.. I am fairly body conscious and whether it's my imagination or not I look a little better when I am tanned. Usually I tan quite easily, the normal way, however I'm looking out my window now and reading weather forecasts and it doesn't look promising over the next couple of weeks to attempt a tan in the normal way in which I would do.

So that's my story, I'm telling it because I've read the weirdo posts on here! I would rather not go to a salon unless I have to but of course I am more than happy for anyone to bring along their partner, friend etc. I am 37 years old, a Managing Director of 2 companies (hence the involvement in this silly calendar, connected to a business charity we do a lot for), have 2 children and a partner and I can assure anyone this is a genuine request and not some fantasy to get naked in front of a stranger...plus there's really not much to see anyway!

So, if anyone is out there in my area happy to oblige, please let me know, I'll even throw in a free calendar once out for you to admire your work lol.

One last thing, the photo shoot is on May 12th. I've read somewhere these only last 5 or so days so would be looking to book something say 2-3 days in advance? Although I'll bow to anyone's superior knowledge on that!

Thank you, and sorry for interrupting the forum as I can see from the limited reading I did here you are all pros communicating with each other and I feel I've gatecrashed a little but seemed like a place where someone out there might be able to help.
Really hope somebody on here can help you out. A lot of the time it is really hard for us gents to have any kind of salon treatment done for fear of being labelled a weirdo.
Got to admire you for getting involved in such a great fundraising venture and being brave enough to bare all.
Someone on here must be able to offer you some help
Aww I wish I lived near you I would be more than happy to oblige. What I would suggest is that you maybe have trial tan first. this will do 2 things, it will see how your skin takes to the solution and allow you to adjust the colour, ie do you want it lighter or darker. 2 it will allow you to meet your spray tan therapist and hopefully alleviate the nerves. You could even just gget sprayed in your boxers for the first tan.

Good luck with the calendar and hope you find someone soon.
Aww I wish I lived near you I would be more than happy to oblige. What I would suggest is that you maybe have trial tan first. this will do 2 things, it will see how your skin takes to the solution and allow you to adjust the colour, ie do you want it lighter or darker. 2 it will allow you to meet your spray tan therapist and hopefully alleviate the nerves. You could even just gget sprayed in your boxers for the first tan.

Good luck with the calendar and hope you find someone soon.

Thanks - that's a good idea - having never had one before I have no idea what to expect. My initial thoughts were that I would look like David Dickinson or tango man but I hear things have improved over the years! The last time I had any experience of fake tan was in my late teens on a lads holiday, one of the guys had a bottle of something you could put on overnight and then go out in the sun the next day and get very brown very fast. I ended up very orange, very fast, and looked like a right idiot for the first 3 days!

I think a trial run's a good idea so maybe if I explain to a technician my full story and that I really don't want to be naked and the first one I'm more than happy to wear boxers etc. I'm totally happy to keep a hand over my "bits" at all times too, in fact if possible, I would rather do that but don't know how these things work having never tried or had the need before. I do generally tan very easily, although I do have the classic t-shirt tan each year as I'm not one for sunbathing but just get brown playing sports. I don't walk around with my shirt off either so I have never been bothered about the all over tan in my life before! If the weather was like it was last year I would have spent a good couple of days naked in my own private, non overlooked garden lol but that's not an option at the moment due to our glorious rain soaked weather!
Thanks - that's a good idea - having never had one before I have no idea what to expect. My initial thoughts were that I would look like David Dickinson or tango man but I hear things have improved over the years! The last time I had any experience of fake tan was in my late teens on a lads holiday, one of the guys had a bottle of something you could put on overnight and then go out in the sun the next day and get very brown very fast. I ended up very orange, very fast, and looked like a right idiot for the first 3 days!

I think a trial run's a good idea so maybe if I explain to a technician my full story and that I really don't want to be naked and the first one I'm more than happy to wear boxers etc. I'm totally happy to keep a hand over my "bits" at all times too, in fact if possible, I would rather do that but don't know how these things work having never tried or had the need before. I do generally tan very easily, although I do have the classic t-shirt tan each year as I'm not one for sunbathing but just get brown playing sports. I don't walk around with my shirt off either so I have never been bothered about the all over tan in my life before! If the weather was like it was last year I would have spent a good couple of days naked in my own private, non overlooked garden lol but that's not an option at the moment due to our glorious rain soaked weather!

Hello again lol
So good plan with goin for a trial run. I wouldnt really worry too much about trying to defend yourself for wanting a spray tan. Most therapists know how to spot a perve a mile off and many of them WILL spray tan men. So dont feel you need to defend yourself. I would just say you are looking for a mobile spray tan therapist (some wont even ask or be bothered why, at the end of the day, you are a client wanting a spray tan). If you feel you need to explain why you need a spray tan, go ahead.

You may want to ask the therapist if she uses a solution that has various shades, if after you have you first spray tan and have had the darkest solution and she doesnt have anything darker or lighter, then you have nowhere to go really. I use NOuvatan and judging from what you say, I would problaby spray you with a 12% (the solutions start from 8% and go up to 20%). If after the first tan you decided you wanted it darker or lighter, then I have full flexibitlity to be able to offer you that. some ranges only do 2 shades, light or dark, or just one shade.

The other thing about covering yhour modesty. One thing I can tell you is that the only thing we are intersetd in is covering your body with solution and making sure we dont miss anywhere, I wouldnt advise you covering with your hand. the main reason being, the overspray that will be on your penis will end up on your hand, making your hand go really dark brown oOR the therapist will end up spraying your hand with it being in the way. The best thing to do will be to just let it hang naturally and she will tell you which way to position your legs in order that your penis (or testicles) does not get in the way of the direction of spray.

Also on a final note, you are the paying customer and it is just important that YOU feel comfortable with the therapist you chose, not just trying to make the therapist feel at ease.

I hope you find someone.
Thank you for that, slightly more confident. I think it's my lack of previous experience with anything like this and how to approach without offending. after reading some of the posts on here prior to me posting there seems a fair few that would be nervous although potentially willing and I just wouldn't want to put anyone in that position who is just doing their job. Fact of life that there are some weirdos out there and I would be potentially cautious if it was my other half etc so fully understand.

I've e-mailed a few people this evening explaining full story! Also explained that the Mrs will be in the house at the same time (probably wetting herself with laughter at me!).

Thanks for being so helpful, shame you are so far away as you've already put me at ease and I would gladly become a customer of yours, albeit a temporary one as I think this will be a one or two off!
Not sure if Zo Zo on here still does tanning.
Hi, what a shame you are so far away, I would gladly spray tan you. I have quite a few gents on my client list, all were nervous and uncomfortable even embarrassed on the first tan but if you pick the right therapist for you nerves will quickly disappear and you can have a good laugh together WITH the missus.
Good luck in finding a therapist in time and I hope the Calendar does really well for your charity.
PM me hun :) I'm up in Bicester but I'm sure we can work something out - I'm not shy and I'm not prone to giggling ;)

I use Nouvatan and I do both ladies and gents spray tans (and waxing if you really want LOL) :)

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