Start college on Tuesday doing my NVQ2 hair :d so excited !


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Jan 9, 2011
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stoke on trent
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie so sorry if iv posted in the wrong place. just wanted share my excitement with you all about me started college on Tuesday lol. It's a 26 week course and im told because of the short amount of time I need to work really hard. Can anyone tell me roughly what to expect please? Thanks guys :D x
Hi Kaylee!

Aw bless, so pleased for you!
Um well I'm not sure what you'll get on your short course as I did an apprenticeship so totally different!

But I'd imagine yes it will be fast paced for you, um expect a lot of paper work for a hands n job, lots of health and safety, lots of assessments.
As for the hair, thinking back to my college days, I think the first part of your course will be mainly blow drying and basic cutting techniques. Expect to cut yourself! lol i cant speak for others but i still cut my fingers on a regular basis even now lol
Then I think you'd go on to full head colurs, foils then perms.

Keep your head down, focus and please please please-if your stuck on something or not 100% sure of something ask your tutor otherwise they will carry on and leave you behind, being a fast course they are short of time so make sure you ask all questions!!

It will be hard work but keep at it chick! It's a good proffesion to be in.

Good luck let me know how you go :green::green:
Thankyou for your reply :D I'm so excited about it. i wanted to do it years ago but struggled to get a placement but now iv finally got one I'm over the moon :) I need to get some sleep really coz got be up and take little one to nursery then go to college but I cnt sleep coz that excited haha I probably sound really sad but glad I'm finally getting to do what iv always wanted :) again Thankyou for your reply Xx
I havn't really got any advice for the short course, but just wanted to say good luck!!
Let us know how you get on with it.
Hi guys, my first day was good :D we only got the paper work side of things done today but got a good insight of what's gonna be happening for the next 6 months. Wer starting on the practical tomoz which I can't wait for :D wev got to work on clients in the next 2 weeks aswell which I'm so nervous about, I thought this will prob only be something simple like an up do maybe. Surely we cnt be good enough do anything too extreme in that short time even if it is a fast course lol x
Hey hun,

Just curious, how many days a week do you do?
It's 4 days 18 hours a week x
That's good, so really it's not that much shorter than a normal part time college course. (- the half term breaks.)
Do you need a placement with it?
Yea hun got a placement :) been ther for a couple of month now. X
Ah that's really good.
Good luck and I hope you enjoy it. :hug:
hpe you enjoy your course , well done , keep us updated x
NVQ 2 covers, shampooing, setting, styling, colouring and cutting. There is theory for each section and have written papers on them, usually multiple choice. You get assessed on each service a few times and when you've been signed off for everything in your book, you pass. Good luck and I hope you enjoy it xx
Hi everyone, Thankyou for all your comments. Had a really good day today, we learnt about shampoos and did our first wash and blow dry. It's crazy how many techniques there is and the ins and outs of shampoos lmao x
Hey hun!
Whooooo! glad it's all going good for you sweets!

It's so exciting learning new skills hey. hahaha yeah i remember thinking that theres so many different techniques for one area of hairdressing eg blow drying but that's the beauty of it, theres so many different ways you can create a style and it's unique to you because no one else will ever do it the same as you.

Keep up the good work! :green:
Good luck sweetie, your be fine, try to ask some salons for a little work experience as well along side college as this takes you out of that college comfort zone. Your going to be fine. Good luck x

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