Hi All,
I've noticed that recently there have been a few treads from geeks getting downcast about the lack of clients booking in etc. I have been feeling like that too, but things do turn around when you least expect it.
After moaning a few weeks ago about my lack of clients etc, I have had a couple of good weeks and have now got 12 new clients on my books! Chuffed to bits! And the owner of my local hair salon called me and has invited me to rent space in the salon after seeing my work on a couple of people! She only wants to charge me 15% of my takings too, which is great. Couldn't believe it - am on cloud nine!
I know that sometimes it feels as if you are banging your head against a brick wall, doing leaflet drops, advertising etc and getting nowhere, but hang on in there and it will happen. At first I felt as if I had made a huge mistake thinking I could make running my own nail business work, but everytime I get a call or someone compliments me on my work I know it is the best thing I have ever done. And if you are ever feeling down, there is always a warm welcome and so much advice on this site!
Ali x
I've noticed that recently there have been a few treads from geeks getting downcast about the lack of clients booking in etc. I have been feeling like that too, but things do turn around when you least expect it.
After moaning a few weeks ago about my lack of clients etc, I have had a couple of good weeks and have now got 12 new clients on my books! Chuffed to bits! And the owner of my local hair salon called me and has invited me to rent space in the salon after seeing my work on a couple of people! She only wants to charge me 15% of my takings too, which is great. Couldn't believe it - am on cloud nine!
I know that sometimes it feels as if you are banging your head against a brick wall, doing leaflet drops, advertising etc and getting nowhere, but hang on in there and it will happen. At first I felt as if I had made a huge mistake thinking I could make running my own nail business work, but everytime I get a call or someone compliments me on my work I know it is the best thing I have ever done. And if you are ever feeling down, there is always a warm welcome and so much advice on this site!
Ali x