Steiner training


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Jan 3, 2012
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Had anyone had any experience working on cruise ships?? I remember Steiner coming into the college I trained at a few years ago, all sounded amazing! Would snubs recommend this? I believe it's very long hours etc but other than that haven't heard of anyone I know doing this!
Ship ahoy!

Hi i did 4 contracts with Stieners and loved everyone! I was 18 when i started. First contract is 8 months- that means 8 months away from family and friends but you will make new friends! After the first you can pick your ship to some extent and do a 6 month contract.

The hours are tough- 8am til 8pm 6 days a week! but your day off is always in a port and this is rotated so you will see all those beautiful places in time. The majority of your money is made from product retail but the products are good- i wasnt a top seller but still came home with lots of tax free money:green:.

Literally all the therapists are in the same boat- sorry couldnt resist- you will be placed on a ship to replace a therapist/stylist leaving, and first contract you will have no say what ship or location you will go to.

if you are confident in your skills i would say go for it-you can only regret what you dont do. But make no mistake it is hard work and your hands will ache!:hug:
And do I get paid? I keep getting different answers when I ask people..some say ur pay Is ur tips?
I have always wanted to do this - but do people cuts or colours on board ? Surly they get it done before so just want blow drys or up do's ??
They do everything line a normal salon! My mate did it and got two half days off, had to earn other days by meeting targets, they get stock on massive crates!! Every so often! So you could be stuck with no colour! Good tips though x
I wanted to do this when i was 18 but wasnt allowed as i had tattoo's!:(
I've heard very mixed reports from two people I know.... One liked it but said the money wasn't enough for the amount of work they put in. The other hated it because of the 'hard sell' they had to do with products, but that's all down to the person I guess. Also they both said it was mainly blow drying and styling ect. Very little cutting or colouring at all (not even 1 a day)

I'd love to have a go at it but I'd have to know for sure the money would be good enough hah
I could blowdry all day - achy arms though lol .. Might have a look on the website ...
Imagine those biceps hah ;-)
I can feel the definition already ..
Another ex-Steiner here. I did 3 positions with them and 4 ships by the age of 21. Hairdresser, Assistant Spa Manager and General Spa Manager. Looking back now I can see I was very lucky to have done a world cruise by the age of 20 on the most prestigious and luxurious ship on the seas at the time, "The QE2".

Steiner are a GREAT company to work for. The training is second to none, and the doors open for you after working for them are many.

I have no doubt that I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for the chances and opportunities they gave me. They took a young teenage northern lad from a single parent family with no money, and they somehow polished me up into a young man capable of managing a team of 26 people including hairdressers, therapists, fitness instructors and receptionists within 12 months. Within 18 months I was styling celebrities, making personal requested visits to some very rich and influential ladies for $30 a time 10 minute blowdries in their $500,000 penthouse suites (and they even washed their hair for me as I requested they do so before I arrived), and on my days off (2.5 per week or more) I was sunning myself in the Caribbean, jumping out of planes in New Zealand, going on safari in Kenya, relaxing on sugar white beaches in the Maldives, clubbing on Miami beach or shopping in New York.

Can you believe they PAID me for that?

Best 2 years of my life and totally set me up for my future. Even now my staff are amazed at my attention to detail (comes from doing port clean) when it comes to me inspecting how clean things are and requesting they be redone. My customers love it!

The only type of person I would suggest staying away from cruiseships are the ones who refuse to up-sell additional products or services. You need to be business minded if you work on a ship as you are almost self-employed and reliant on yourself and the extensive training they give you to control your own income.

If you feel bad suggesting a conditioning treatment to your client as you feel "like you're selling", so you make do with a basic shampoo and conditioner that still leaves her hair as rough as a bear's ass and totally tangled, then working on ships won't be for you. Everyone else should be fine. :)
Im 26 and married - I'm used to being separated from my husband as he Is in the forces .. Do you think I am too old to go for it ?
So what's the average hourly rate or % you get from the takings in the salon? Xoxo
A friend today told me she did it an got £100 a week as a basic wage ... But the tips were amazing . £100 is hardly basic for 12 hour days :(
26 isn't too old at all.

The basic wage is actually very low. If you thought £100 was low you will freak when I reveal the real basic wage is about $45 ... that's right ... dollars - or £30.

Everything else is earned from services and product sales - 10% of everything you do or sell, plus tips of course.

You can easily earn around £400 per week on a good ship. But saying that, I knew a girl on a good ship who only earned around £70 per week as she couldn't sell additional products or services for the spa, despite excellent training. She more or less refused to do it. Eventually she was placed on a really small ship and her place was given to someone more deserving.

You also need to factor in that you pay no tax or NI on the earnings, you have no food bills, no rent, no utilities, no electricity, no gas, no busfares or petrol money to pay out of your earnings.

Omg £30 - so really your self employed but only getting a small % of the takings .. For 12 hour days Im rather shocked . I still have a house at home that would need bills paid .. Unless there is a guaranteed income I prob couldn't afford to do it . Think I may go for an interview still to get some info ,
Classix reading your post has made me very jealous!

A few of my friends have done the ships and I have always thought it would be a great opportunity but not for me. I'm a home bird.

They all loved it but only 2 went back for second contracts out of six :)! X
I love the idea and experiences you would get, but knowing that I would have made my wage from a root colour would really p me off.

Am absolutley gutted for the hours and work you get such a little wage. I'm guessing it's because you are on the seas and not governed by laws of the land. Xoxo
I have been researching this .. And 99% of the reviews I read from past employers is 'don't do it ' Steiner seem like an awful company to work for . Im done with this idea lol ....
I never worked on the cruise liners and a part of me regrets it hugely! I've met a lot of people who worked for them and only one said that while she was glad of the experience she wouldn't do it again. But she did recommend doing it FOR the experience. She has never been out of a job since

Another woman I worked with did several contracts with them and earned enough money to put a deposit down on a very nice house when she decided to move on. She was head hunted by elemis to become an international trainer and lived in Dubai for quite some time. She's also the only person I know whose been to the Antarctic!! I mean how cool is that!?!

I really do believe you get out of it what you put into it. You seem to work hard and Play hard! I also believe (but this is just my opinion based on my experiences) its a young persons job because of that reason. I know when I worked abroad it was a similar set up and I look back and think How did I survive on 4 hours sleep??? I couldn't do that now I love my sleep lol

In my mind it's not about retailing either or making that 'hard sale' (I hate that term!!), it's about making recommendations to ensure your clients get the best products for their skin and concerns whilst also making you a wage your rhe expert dont forget and if your client doesnt take products recommend to them by you tjeyll spend their money down the road at Clinique and not know that it's actually designed for their skin! Any therapist who refuses to do this is doing their clients a disservice end of!

Classixuk it sounds like you had an amazing experience!

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