Thank you for the part about my english, I try to do my best.
And yes I suck in every bit of information and like to hear it from the "ones who know" meaning Doug, you and so many others who have been in the industry for years.
I know I'm not working as safe as I wish I could, theres no way I could get ventilation in my livingroom. Thats why i have tried to do other things, so if Doug has the time maybe he could answer this:
I have 1 or 2 clients pr week (don't want more until I have a place to work from), I use the information given by your book and also by Geeg and geeks to minimize odors, vapours and dust. I have a partigone(small portable punctual suction) which I place outside (the base unit where the air gets out) so even if partcles get through the filter they don't end up inside. I clean and ventilate (after clients) before my children gets home. But is this an ok way? (regarding my family)
I know it's not the best, but I have read the book and other useful information on here, so thought I was doing as much as I could to eliminate risk. But is it enough? Or is there no way I should be working from home ?
Thanks for your time and help...