[FONT="]Anyone can get stretch marks, purplish red lines on the legs or abdomen. Sometimes the stretch marks fade with time, so white stripes on the skin. But stretch marks do not disappear by itself.
Stretch marks usually occur during pregnancy, or there was a sharp increase in weight, but can also be caused by rapid muscle growth, such as during adolescence. Stretch marks occur when the middle layer of skin is stretched and loses its elasticity. The result is a scar on the outer layer of skin become transparent enough for them, stretch marks become visible.[/FONT]
Homemade remedies for stretch marks:
[FONT="]Aloe Vera has long been known for its calming and healing of burns. He was asked to do the same for stretch marks, because they are essentially a skin damage. The recipe below uses aloe vera and other ingredients to create a massage oil at home for prevention and treatment of stretch marks.
1) 1 / 2 cup olive oil
2 ) 1 / 4 cup aloe vera gel
3) 4 capsules of vitamin E (to remove fluid from the capsule and discard house)
4) 2 capsules of vitamin A liquid
[FONT="]Mix ingredients together and store in an airtight container in refrigerator.
All these home remedies for stretch marks is very good for the overall health of skin. Why not try one for a while 'to see if it helps reduce the appearance of your stretch marks. These home remedies are an inexpensive alternative to expensive prescription cream. I sincerely hope that you find one that meets your needs.[/FONT]