Well-Known Member
I've just nipped over from hair. I have thee worst set of nails on ever, thick, wonky & all round nasty! I need them off by thurs morning! Besides biting them, how do I get them off??!!x
Cut extensions down, file the shine.apply cuticle oil on skin around nails and hand cream on hands to prevent drying of skin.A good soak in acetone, buff as you soak when you get close to natural nail push product off rather than buff to prevent thinning of natural nail . Presuming it is acrylic ? Hope this helps.
Would suggest getting them professionally removed lovely x
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Hi, sorry to hear your nails are a mess, were you letting a trainee/newly qualified work on you?
Removing them is easy and is a job you will be able to do yourself, although I always find that I get in a bit of a mess when I soak my nails off because you are soaking both hands then using the same hands to do your removal. If you want to avoid this and have plenty of time on your hands then soak one hand off at a time start to finish. If you're not too bothered about the mess or dont have the time then just get stuck in with it. It takes around 40 minutes to do a soak off but if your nails are thicker than normal it might take longer.
Get 2 glass bowls, or other non plastic bowls (the acetone will melt the plastic) and put enough acetone in each bowl to immerse your nails so they are completely under the acetone. Then if you wish, get 2 more glass bowls that are slightly bigger than the first 2 and half fill them with very hot water (not boiling). Then, place the smaller bowls containing the acetone into the larger bowls containing the water. The water will gently heat the acetone and will speed up the removal process. Dont attempt to heat your acetone in any other way because its highly flammable, not just the acetone but also the fumes.
Keep the nails completely immersed for 15 minutes, then have a look at the nails and scrape gently at the product with an orangewood stick, it should have puffed up and gone a bit jelly like. Scrape off what will come off without resistance then immerse the nails again, and keep checking every 10 minutes and scraping them until the nail is completely clear of product.
A couple of things to remember though -
When you get down to the very last bit of product left on the nail dont be tempted to pick it off. It would be so quick and easy to do but it will damage the nailplate and defeat the whole purpose of soaking the nails off.
Acetone evaporates very quickly, and as soon as you remove your nails from the acetone it will start to dry up and the acrylic starts to go hard again. So, while you are soaking your product off, keep the nails immersed in the acetone constantly, except for your intervals where you are scraping the product off, or your nails will dry up and will take so much longer to soak off.
When you've acheived all this and your acrylic is off you wil find that your hands and nails are very dehydrated from the acetone. Apply lots of solar oil to your nails and buff it in with the the grey side of a koala buffer, and give yourself a good moisturising treatment for your hands with a nice hand lotion.
Thank you! I've cot them down, will do the rest tomorrow, yes they are acrylic. I've never had this problem before, and it was nsi she used too. Thanks again xx
NSI was not the problem, it was clearly a bad tech who doesn't know how to apply a well balanced set of enhancements.
A tech can use the best products available and still do a really bad job, so it's got nothing to do with the products, it's the tech applying the products.
If I was you, I would return to her and request a removal, it's not something you should be doing if you have never done it before, the damage that you can do to your nails is quite a lot and if you do damage them, then any set that your normal tech applies will more than likely have problems as well.
Just outright tell her that you are not happy at all and why and she can either file them down for you to look not so chunky or remove.
Good luck, it's always awful when you get a bad set of enhancements.