Well-Known Member
You know those DHA tans are only so good. There are two very big drawbacks with them:Some pale people really need to get over their self esteem problems related to their skin colour if they think this is a good way to get colour! A temporary fake tan will help them until they can.
Sorry but I just can't get my head around this.
But people can do what they want with their own health at the end of the day.
1. They provide absolutely no sunscreen protection at all whatsoever. This can be a bit dangerous if you think about it because having such a tanned appearance can lull a person into thinking that they'll be ok out in the sun.
2. The DHA sprayed/treated skin rubs off in 3 to 5 days (or shorter if proper exfoliating isn't done prior to the spray/treatment). That's annoying to have to keep getting a spray/treament (including exfoliating) once or twice a week or face the consequences of having your skin look mottled between tan/not tan.
If one uses one of the peptides properly the tan stays for a couple of months (or indefinitely if they keep it topped up).
I think your last line pretty much sums up the situation fairly well.
Thanks for the discussion,
-Scott - afamelanotide Founder & Admin
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