Thanks for the up date . I for one frequently browse threads just to keep up dated, it's easy to see from some of the negative moaners that they have never anything similar happen to thier businesses. As a current bankrupt who lost everything (literally) that I and my Husband had worked extremly hard for over 5 years for, my thoughts are with the Sweets, all others and particularily Jackie Jefford and her team. I know how the legalities go and how quickly businesses go under ( so fast you don't have time to think).
I'm still doing nails with what stock I have but will need to contact osns soon. I believe Salisbury have now gone independant however as I said before I lost everything even their phone number so if anyone can help with this I'd be grateful.
I'm still doing nails with what stock I have but will need to contact osns soon. I believe Salisbury have now gone independant however as I said before I lost everything even their phone number so if anyone can help with this I'd be grateful.