Chatty geek
Ok Cast - 30 minutes till curtain up, I shall be taking my seat in a moment as I have to prepare for the arrival of her majesty the Queen, yes the real one not the queen of hearts. so can I trust you to get through the performance while I sit in the royal box ?. I have to admit I don't hold out much hope !!!
Last minute instructions:-
No poop on the stage, that means the donkey, the horse, the cow, the scruffy parrot, the dove, the mouse and the theatre cat, this is a class act - I've told you.
No axes above shoulder height - you'll have someones eye out
No kissing the frog - I'm not sure what happens
No hissy fits unless it fits the part
For gods sake don't set fire to the curtains - they are not paid for
Tweedledum & Tweedledee for gods sake shape up and look lively
Noodle put down your sewing machine and look lively now dear - right thats better.
Clara get those ice creams ready & check your torch battery
Sparklepink flex your wings and flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Right you are on your own now - good luck my darlings I love you all Mwaaaaah Mwaaaah
Last minute instructions:-
No poop on the stage, that means the donkey, the horse, the cow, the scruffy parrot, the dove, the mouse and the theatre cat, this is a class act - I've told you.
No axes above shoulder height - you'll have someones eye out
No kissing the frog - I'm not sure what happens
No hissy fits unless it fits the part
For gods sake don't set fire to the curtains - they are not paid for
Tweedledum & Tweedledee for gods sake shape up and look lively
Noodle put down your sewing machine and look lively now dear - right thats better.
Clara get those ice creams ready & check your torch battery
Sparklepink flex your wings and flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Right you are on your own now - good luck my darlings I love you all Mwaaaaah Mwaaaah