~*~*~*~The Official Apprentice Thread~*~*~*~


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None of them really stood out for me last night, can't wait til next week!!
Snap! I felt the same, but things usually 'heat up' after the first 2-3 weeks :lol:
Blondie seems as two-faced as anything, that knife in Mona's back must be smarting a bit, lol.......

None of them really stood out for me last night, can't wait til next week!!

Snap about the blondie. I think she is going to back stab better than any of the other. I think she is likely to chew you up and then spit you out!
Im a Virgin, Apprentice watcher, have heard so much about it the last few times it's been on but not got to watch it, so this time I tuned in, absolutely brilliant, love those ego's so funny seeing them so scared that they'll almost cat fight in front of Sir Allen to stay in!!:lol::lol::lol:

Same here.. I was determined to see what all the fuss was about... I loved it!
Oh goodie, goodie, there's not only watching The Apprentice to look forward to, but logging into here and reading all the comments :green:
I missed it tonight, got outvoted and they had the footie on lol :rolleyes:

Going to try and catch it on YouTube instead :D
I am GUTTED Rocky should never have been fired!!!

He should have taken that moaning Geordie, Phillip into the boardroom!!...He could be a Gold medal moaner at the 2012 Olympics!!!
BUT James should have been fired....and I thought that before I knew about the peeing of the pants!! :eek:.....what a prat!!
Howard is worth the watching the wee snake in the grass!!

but I have to say it again....I am gutted that Rocky got fired, he came over as a great guy on the 'You've been Fired' programme.

The girls were damned lucky....their food was truly awful!!!

Nick & Margaret.......absolutely marvellous......love them.
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What the hell was with the doritos, meat and ketchup??!! and the take on ploughmans? a single chunk of branston pickle? oooooo k....
I dislike Deborah ALOT, it didn't really show much of her tonight but last week she was a COW! And she looks very familier, I swear I have seen her on something else.... or she looks alot like someone?

Sandi, you could watch the whole thing on BBCI player uninterupted :)
Awwwww he shouldn't have gone ! Sir Alan r u mad!!!!
OMG they always get rid of the wrong ones! I could have done better by serving up a batch of rivita with phili ontop haha
hay we should have a "nail apprentice" that would be great viewing. I will film, who wants in LOL
I am no. 1 fan.

I think Rocky would have gone next week if not this week, but really that guy with the beard or the teacher bloke should have gone cos they didn't seem to do anything.

Call me mad but Phillip and Heather Mills are my favourites at the moment.

SirAlan said that he reckons as the weeks go on our opinions will change dramatically.

Master Chick chose footie over prentice!
hay we should have a "nail apprentice" that would be great viewing. I will film, who wants in LOL

OOh...I want to be Margaret!!!!
Now I know it is easy to sit here in one's ivory tower and criticise their hopeless displays at catering. BUT! I could have done a much better job! They were embarrassingly awful.... both teams! I saw Margaret cradle her head in her hands shaking it from side to side. She wanted the ground to swallow her up she was so embarrassed for them all.

And as for blondies c*ck-up of a promotional speech when trying to sell her menu??? And that diabolical price negotiating by the boys team.... that was cringe worthy :rolleyes:!
" I think they are grilled , in some way"

Yes, under a grill...what other way is there??

And as for blondies c*ck-up of a promotional speech when trying to sell her menu??? And that diabolical price negotiating by the boys team.... that was cringe worthy :rolleyes:!

Blondie is a prize b*tch - watch your backs everyone! She couldn't have sounded less interested in the menu if she tried!!!

All in all both teams were a shambles, but I agree that James should have gone - he looks dead shifty, and he tells fibs...... Do they forget there are cameras there?!?!? I reckon Rocky will be ok though, he'll be onward and upward.

Loving this series!
Was practically watching it through my fingers at times, their catering was so bad.

How on earth could you 'forget' to put chicken in a chicken wrap?

Wouldn't want to eat in Yasmina's restaurant - could you imagine how stingy the portions would be & what cr4p ingredients would be used?

The blonde one who did the pitch is seriously annoying me at the moment.

On a positive note, who else noticed that most of the guys have gorgeous really blue eyes?
Mind you, imagine having to do corporate catering for all those City type tw*ts . . . they were so much up their own arses, it was as if they were doing everyone a favour by eating their food when there are people starving all around the world - what an obnoxious lot they were. I wonder what they all made of the boys in their togas, baring all that ( white and a bit flabby ) flesh? ha ha!
Sandi, you could watch the whole thing on BBCI player uninterupted :)
I can't get BBC iplayer over here, they know that I'm not in the UK by my IP addy I think :lol:

Managed to catch the repeat on BBC2 tonight :green:

What a load of crap both teams were :eek:
I've never seen anything like it, I reckon they should get some housewives/husbands on there to pit their wits against each other with the tasks and show the contestants how to really 'do it' :D

James got on my nerves, I don't remember seeing him smile once, and the costumes were diabolical!

Looking forward to next week's show though :lol:
OMG you would thing that not one of them had ever eaten 'proper' adult food in their live before!:eek: How could they possibly have thought any of it was acceptable to serve to a paying client?

Geordie man needs a kick up the bum and told to stop whinging!!
OMG how the hell is James still in there???
Obviously to UP the viewing figures.......that poor bloke booted out hasn't had chance to even prove himself!!!!!

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