Lynne Baker
Lynne The Skin!
I'm sorry that you had to nurse your mum through lung cancer; I can't begin to imagine how awful that must have been for you and your loved ones. I too loathe what excessive alcohol consumption does to people and you can be assured that I have equal loathing for that unnecessary habit.
I can truthfully say that I've never been so drunk as to fall over in the street or cause mayhem in any way, and again, I've seen the effects of this on people when they got brought into casualty, and in some instances, had to come to theatre to be patched up.
I recently wrote to my MP suggesting that one possible way to deal with such irresponsible behaviour is to charge the drunken person for the treatment they need. Or perhaps a punitive fine might deter people from getting bladdered and taking up the emergency services' time.
As to your point that smokers are the bane of society, I think that drunkards are too, as are smackheads. We go on about the nanny state, usually in a pejorative way. But sometimes when people seem unwilling or unable to take care of themselves the government has to step in, perhaps to save people from themselves.
I'm truly, genuinely sad that you had to watch your mum die from a smoking related disease.
I can truthfully say that I've never been so drunk as to fall over in the street or cause mayhem in any way, and again, I've seen the effects of this on people when they got brought into casualty, and in some instances, had to come to theatre to be patched up.
I recently wrote to my MP suggesting that one possible way to deal with such irresponsible behaviour is to charge the drunken person for the treatment they need. Or perhaps a punitive fine might deter people from getting bladdered and taking up the emergency services' time.
As to your point that smokers are the bane of society, I think that drunkards are too, as are smackheads. We go on about the nanny state, usually in a pejorative way. But sometimes when people seem unwilling or unable to take care of themselves the government has to step in, perhaps to save people from themselves.
I'm truly, genuinely sad that you had to watch your mum die from a smoking related disease.