I'm with the majority here, I don't think the odd smack is a bad thing, but it should never be given in anger. I don't have kids, but I practice my parenting skills on my young nephew when I see him, he's due over here for a week in August, poor thing!
He can be a real bugger with his mum, and my mum, to the point that you could quite happily take him by the throat and shake him, but with me he's an angel. They've always let him get away with murder from an early age, he's 11 now, whereas I've always made sure he behaved when I was around, I've smacked him once, and that was after a warning, he was in the back of the car trying to distract my mum who was driving by kicking the back of her seat, he was showing off in front of his friend, I smacked him, I hardly even made contact because of the awkward angle, but I made a show of him in front of his friend - problem solved.
He tried it on here once too when he was over on holiday, I never had to smack him that time, just sent him to his room after a good telling off, he was good as gold for the rest of the holiday.
My mum has always told me I'm too strict with him, I'm not, except compared to them, he has never been given any boundaries, his mum takes so much and then goes at him in a screaming rage when he goes too far. When they try to smack him he fights back, punching and kicking, and they let him get away with this - it's beyond me.
I know I only see him 'part-time' but for the whole of his life he has been so well-behaved with me (the horrible strict aunt) and loves seeing me. I don't scream and shout at him if he's been bad, but I will punish him and tell him such and such is going to happen because you did such and such. As someone else mentioned earlier, I do believe it is very important to tell the child when they have done good, if you're quick enough to tell them off you should also be quick to praise them too.
I think children need boundaries, they need to learn respect and be disciplined when necessary, if this involves a smack then I'm all for it - I remember my mum smacking me on the back of the legs once, it hurt like hell and I was terrified of ever doing something so bad that she felt like she had to do it again, it was also extremely embarrassing as it was done in front of my friends (I'd been mouthy, trying to be clever in front of them!) and I was dangled by the arm while she gave me a good few whacks with her hand - ouch!
This has been a 'hot topic' in my house (and my nephews house) as yesterday he had his nose broken in class by a boy who has plagued him for the last couple of years. The other boy has been suspended numerous times but the parents are 'well in' with the school so nothing permanent has been done to punish him. He picked on other boys as well as my nephew. The school recommended he have a psychiatric evaluation as his behaviour was so bad, but the parents refused so again, nothing is done. In my day (God, I sound old) we had the threat of the cane if we misbehaved - I was terrified of ever getting the cane (I was a goody two shoes scaredy cat!). These days teachers have virtually no disciplining power at all, so the 'bad' kids who don't get any kind of discipline at home just carry on with their awful (and sometimes bullying) behaviour at school - it's never ending! And so is my post so I'll go now!
And Mike, have you tried a crafty pinch on the underarm? Works wonders too!