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But did you check with ABT/BABTEC/whomever that the provider was actually accredited with them?  It's easy to add someone's logo to your website and say you're accredited, but we have seen on here that some training providers are not actually registered despite saying they are.

It's not right, and it's not fair on techs who are spending hard earned money on training they believe will progress their careers only to find they have been mislead or outright conned.  All of this is evidence for Trading Standards, but as I said before, they won't necessarily do anything about it.  They have thousands of people contacting them daily about issues and cannot see every case through.

You could also refer the training provider to their accrediting body, they should be checking the training offered is up to standard, and advise the provider of changes required if not. 

Are you hoping for a refund of your money spent, or to stop the training provider from doing this in the future?  Both potentially are difficult to achieve.
