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(warning, it's 11pm at night and i'm totally exhausted, so this thread may go a bit off track  LOL)


This thread is in response to a 'status'on facebook on our beloved's Doug Schoon's which everyone's been responding like mad...

About how many don't know the difference between the cuticle and the eponychium  etc... and other sad issues regarding our industry and the available education that is often confused...


Ok, having rambled all of that, there is my question (or questions)


This is to our Industry Leaders..... Leading Educators... and other reknowned persons/Technicians WORLD WIDE:


Could we not, create an online THEORY course that would be recognized world wide and respect world wide?  (maybe even with pod-casts and live examinations via pod casts, etc....)


Could we not compile and compare the 'education materials' of each country/local and have all these fabulously talented and knowledgeable people put their heads together to create what would EXCEED the minimum requirements around the world, and also MEET the requirements around the world so that everyone who took the course would be at par world wide?

At the very least, create the one and only book that covers EVERYTHING theoretically, including exams at the end of each chapter?...............  (aside from any upcoming changes in technology in terms of products)

A book that EVERYONE around the world can agree on?




Perhaps we wouldn't have a diploma that was based on technique BUT to my mind, the theory is far more valuable and seems to the thing most at risk..........


How feasible is this?

On this website alone, we have masters from around the world, and leading educators.....


I know.... time and money....

Just like money has caused me to take 3yrs to finally take my L&P course.... ONLY TO LEARN.... I'm learning a fat lot of nothing:grr:

and could have self-taught with the same results (shhh you didn't hear that, but it's late at night... I'm frustrated with the state of affairs in Canada and the fact that I will never be able to compete outside canada and there's no point competing here.. blah blah.. Ok, on a tangent, half asleep, sorry about that)


But......  if everyone seems able to find money for competitions and exhibitions and shows and advertising.......

Why can't we find a tiny portion to get a small handful of people together to brainstorm... and UNITE technicians at least on some sort of education level.....  Offer techs in backwards places a way of getting some of the education that is out of their reach....

HECK with technology today, you could all have meetings sitting at home in your skivvies in front of your computer with a cam aimed at your face.......



Ok, I'll shut up now and go to sleep.

But the hamster took off on her wheel and started zipping around in my head, and I couldn't keep up, and it was just an idea that I'd be interested in hearing the why's

and why nots.......................................  the why not's had better be good cause if we have time to chatter here, then we have time to have 'meetings' online with other educators to bring this idea to fruition. 

And it cost's nothing to put together a book that never gets printed, but only emailed and/or downloaded..... so no ink and paper to buy.



ok, the hamster's getting a kick in the arse to go to sleep........

PS:  and I'm pretty sure we know some webhosts that might offer a page or two from their own site to 'sell' the book/course.........  hint hint.........profits to go towards the cost of the web pages... and creating another course... or... well, lots more ideas coming.......picking reps in each country that will adhere to this course and never deviate..... and teach the practical............

ok, seriously... going to bed now... sorry

