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But what if....


Person A who is a respected eduator from 'A" country submit their course and the min requirements.

Person B  who is similar/same, then did the same for theirs....

And so on down the line.


Then all these persons put their heads together, and this "Theory course" that is being put together by all these respected persons.... EXCEEDED the requirements in each and every /province/state/country and if to pass this course, the standard was set higher....   80 or 90%?


So while the practical may still vary...... this could be the beginning....


Unifying everyone in the industry across all the lines would have to start SOMEWHERE......

baby steps.......................


If there at least existed a Theory book that could unite everyone in terms of education and 'somewhere to start'... then the Practical could come later...

If this book/course started being used everywhere.............


baby steps...
