I'm going to toss some more examples/ideas at you... ok? (and those named, don't feel targeted, and those not named, please don't feel left out... haven't finished my coffee, so drawing blanks in my mind right now).
Say this 'Theory" course is prepared by leaders world wide... (ok, maybe a few provinces/states/countries don't participate... gotta start somewhere). And a real DOOZY. It EXCEEDS the minimum requirements for theory EVERYWHERE..
That's what's key: it has to EXCEED the minimum requirements EVERYWHERE.
Then... a few Leaders of the industryhere and there, go to their government and present this "Exceptional" course/book, backed up by their own credentials AND the portfolios and credentials of the contributors of the book and say "Hey, let's make this the standard requirement here. Let's make this 'recognized...." and so on...
Let's say for arguments sake: Gigi for Spain, Jeni Giles for Idaho, Carl for Australia, Ant for UK and so on and so forth etc etc etc....
They all do the same.
If the course at the very least becomes recognized and RESPECTED, it is somewhere to START turning this industry around.
Then perhaps other places/schools/countries etc... might start actually USING this material and they might want the same as we do: UNIFIED STANDARDS to better the industry and eventually, rid ourselves of NSS. (ok, not entirely, that's not feasible, there will always be someone cheating.... but at least not on every street corner).
Baby steps......
Didn't this very same website start as a blog or some such?
NOW LOOK AT IT!!!!!! A few short years later and it unifies nail geeks world wide! And now hair and skin geeks too!!!
Why not start something here where everyone gathers?
It only makes sense?