Well-Known Member
I'd rather not considering she had it done in Australia and I'm way the heck in London. :lol: Even if it was close, I'd rather not since I don't know what it is or what's in it. Whatever this mysterious (and ridonkulously hard to remove) base coat was, I hope I never come across it again! Alls I know is
- it was applied just like regular base coat, with regular polish over it, so it was air dried... NO CURING involved.
- it was applied very thin. Once the top and colour coat comes off, the nail is left with only this thin layer of mysterious base.
- it develops tiny cracks on the surface when you swipe acetone over it, but doesn't dissolve or budge. Only affective way to get it off is to carefully buff with a file.
I hope any geeks who come across this in the future get a little more info than I was able to. xx
I'm afraid I can't shed any light at all but I just had to giggle at the word 'ridonkulous'!!! Whilst I have no idea if it was a spelling error or a wee quirky word of yours, I love it!! It makes this whole removal sound even more ridiculous. You made me smile on a grumpy morning which is really quite the achievement! I do hope you find the answer but thanks again for giving me a giggle! xx for giving me a gigglemorning.