I tend to use size 3 to do mynail art on. Reason being its quite a good size as Lesley said to see designs. The other reason is i rarely use size 3 so its usefull for that. I wouldn't personally use a tip thats popular otherwise you are constantly buying that tip size.
Its good to do designs that are relatively simple so that you can do them on small nails as well. Not everyone has really long nails, but lets face it any design can be tailored to all clients.
I buy packs of Star Nails Ultra form in packs 50, size 3, especially for this purpose.
I dont like to mix tip sizes on my dispaly board, I have in the past & thought it spoiled the look.
i use size 6 as this is one of the most common nail sizes and gives them a rough idea what they will look like on their nails, i used to do them on bigger nails but they didnt look as good on their smaller nails. so now i do them on a smaller size to aviod complaints and dissapointment. just an idea!
i also stick them on with blue tak so they can pull them off the board and stick them on their natural nails and see exactly how their enhancements will look! this helps them choose a design a lot quicker too.
Not looked at this bit for a while so I know this question is a bit old....
I use size 3.
I also got hold of some short tips (they were a bugger to find!) and have done some designs on those so it shows people with short nails that they can have fab looking nail art too!
B x
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